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Terraform for Provisioning a TKG Management cluster in Azure

Uses Terraform to install Tanzu Kubernetes Grid management cluster in Azure.

See Deploy Management Clusters to Microsoft Azure with the CLI


  • You have an Azure service principal with the Administrator role
  • You have downloaded and installed the tkg CLI
  • You have registered an SSH Public Key
  • You have accepted the license for the base Kubernetes version and machine OS
    • To do this, execute az vm image terms accept --publisher vmware-inc --offer tkg-capi --plan k8s-1dot19dot1-ubuntu-1804

Copy sample configuration

cp terraform.tfvars.sample terraform.tfvars

Edit terraform.tfvars

Amend the values for

  • environment
  • path_to_tkg_config_yaml
  • az_subscription_id
  • az_client_id
  • az_tenant_id
  • az_client_secret
  • az_resource_group_name
  • path_to_az_ssh_public_key

There are other variable values you can adjust. Peek at to see what's available.



If you chose the dev plan the installation normally completes in less than 10 minutes.




Sleuthing cluster-api error indicators in bootstrap cluster

kubectl describe cluster-api -A --kubeconfig ~/.kube-tkg/tmp/{config}

Look for occurrences of "Error" or "Exception"

Removing the bootstrap cluster

The bootstrap cluster runs with kind.

If you have kind installed you can run

kind get clusters

then use the name of the cluster to delete it

kind delete clusters {name}

Starting from a clean slate

If you want to get back to clean initial state execute the following sequence of commands.

rm -Rf ~/.tkg                                       ## Destroys all TKG configuration 
rm -Rf ~/.kube                                      ## Destroys all Kubernetes cluster context
rm -Rf ~/.kube-tkg                                  ## Destroys all TKG bootstrap context
docker container prune                              ## Prunes all unused containers, reclaiming disk space
docker volume prune                                 ## Prunes all unused volumes, reclaiming disk space
docker rmi{tag}  ## Removes the container image used to provision TKG clusters

More tips

Consult the VMWare Tanzu Kubernetes Grid troubleshooting documentation