Redwood is pretty easy (and free) to host using Vercel (FE) and Heroku (databse). Check out the hosting tutorial.
For this app, I used this tutorial Using RedwoodJs to create an Ethereum app as a starting point.
yarn create redwood-app nifty-chess-app
cd nifty-chess-app
yarn workspace api add @ethersproject/providers
# Make it pretty :)
yarn rw setup tailwind
yarn rw setup auth ethereum
Complete auth setup by reading the docs for @oneclickdapp/ethereum-auth
# Optional if you will be host. Currently RedwoodJS may have some bugsversion for hosting
yarn add -D @redwoodjs/[email protected] --registry= -W
yarn workspace api add @redwoodjs/[email protected] @redwoodjs/[email protected] @redwoodjs/[email protected] --registry=
Now we are cooking. I'll create my Game
entity and add some elements to it in schema.prisma
model User {
address String @id
authDetail AuthDetail
gamesMinted Game[] @relation(name:"gamesMinted")
model Game {
id String @id @default(uuid())
createdAt DateTime @default(now())
updatedAt DateTime @updatedAt
playedAt DateTime
mintedAt DateTime
moves String
movesHash String
black String
white String
minter User? @relation(name:"gamesMinted", fields: [minterAddress], references: [address])
minterAddress String
Now we will start scaffolding. Before you run scaffold command, you may need to remove the relations value. Be sure to add them back after the scaffold!
yarn rw g scaffold game
And make some pages / layouts
yarn rw generate layout default
yarn rw generate page home /
yarn rw g page Login
Now let's add some <Private>
routes to ensure we have the user's address before they do things like mint a new NFT
<Private unauthenticated="login">
<Route path="/flows/{to}/new" page={NewFlowPage} name="newFlow" />
We can also cleanup some pages we won't need like newUser
Now let's set up our DefaultLayout
. Since we are wrapping Routes
, we need to pass down props for auth from the AuthProvider
// web/index.js
import DefaultLayout from 'src/layouts/DefaultLayout'
<Routes />
// Then in web/layouts/DefaultLayout.js use some React hackz, eg.
{React.cloneElement(children, { useAuth })}
Perfect, we are ready to spin up our app.
yarn rw db save
yarn rw db up
yarn rw dev
Now lets copy some frontend code from an example repo. I found GatsbyJS Tailwind Starter which looks cool.
Now before we get too deep, lets set up our hosting, so out teammates can test out the app as we push up our changes. I'm using the vercel hosting guide with Heroku for the Postgres database.
yarn rw setup deploy vercel
In order to seed our database, we need to make sure the local migrations match the production migrations.
yarn rw db up --no-db-client --auto-approve && yarn rw dataMigrate up