Java library for communicating with a Rainforest EMU-2 under Linux via USB serial.
I'm just getting a start on this library, if you have experience with these modules, please don't hesitate to contribute!
A quick guide to using the software.
You will need Apache Maven installed, I'm using that for the build management.
I am using the rxtx-osgi serial library
Under Ubuntu I needed to install librxtx-java version 2.2pre2 (which is why I used the OSGi variant)
You might need to experiment with different versions of rxtx on other platforms.
To build the package and create a runnable command line jar in ./target
run "mvn clean install"
To execute
java -jar JavaRainforestEMU2.{version}.jar -p /dev/ttyACM0
(You may need to change the port it's connecting to, mine was ttyACM0)
Required libraries are in the ./target/lib folder, if you want to copy it elsewhere.
The -c option will eventually cause the command line app to send it's JSON output to my home automation controller,
so that I can log and manage household power use automagically. It's also on github, feel free to take a look.