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798 lines (545 loc) · 39.8 KB

File metadata and controls

798 lines (545 loc) · 39.8 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.



  • Removed unnecessary code coverage dev requirements.

v1.2.1 - 2023-04-06


  • Added the following workspace methods to support the Tango viz UI: Workspace.search_registered_runs(), Workspace.search_step_info(), Workspace.num_registered_runs(), and Workspace.num_steps().


  • Fixes a bug where FromParams would fail to parse when an object takes a Step argument directly.
  • Changed a name so we don't override the built-in name set.
  • Fixed a bug that would cause O(n^2) memory consumption in dense step graphs.

v1.2.0 - 2023-02-10


  • You can now add arguments to steps without invalidating the cache. See Step.SKIP_DEFAULT_ARGUMENTS.
  • Fixed integration status messages in tango info command.
  • Added abstractions for RemoteClient, RemoteStepCache, and RemoteWorkspace.
  • Added a GS integration that comes with GSWorkspace, a remote Workspace implementation that uses google cloud storage.
  • You can now bind functional steps to the underlying Step instance with @step(bind=True), meaning the first argument to the function will be a Step.
  • Added ShellStep for running arbitrary shell commands.
  • Added @make_registrable decorator to make arbitrary functions registrable, to make it easier to refer to them in tango configurations.


  • Jsonnet parsing is now much faster and works on Windows.
  • Warnings about locks are now reliably printed every 30 seconds
  • We now make sure Beaker jobs have the latest version of beaker-py, so that we're compatible with the latest API changes.
  • Stopping early now works when the metric doesn't change at all.
  • Fixed bug with FromParams which didn't handle variable length tuples correctly.


  • The default log level for Tango is now warning.
  • You can specify multiple steps with -s from the tango run command.

v1.1.0 - 2022-12-01


  • Added gpu_type field to StepResources. The BeakerExecutor can use this to determine which clusters to a submit a step to.
  • Added machine field to StepResources. You can set this to "local" when using the BeakerExecutor to force it to run the step locally.
  • Added --ext-var argument to tango run for setting JSONNET external variables when loading the experiment config.
  • Added @step() decorator to create Step classes from functions.
  • Added the transformers::with_soft_prompt integration, to make soft-prompted prefix transformers easy.


  • Removed PyTorch Lightning integration.
  • Removed tango server command and --serve/--no-serve option for tango run.
  • Removed, which was checked in by accident.


  • Fixed issue where Executor parallelism option in a Tango settings file would be ignored.
  • Fixed a bug where the unique ID of a step that depends on a key-value of the result of another step could change if the name of the other step changes.
  • Fixed a bug where importing certain libraries (like torchmetrics) would mess with our exception handling because they set sys.excepthook for some reason. Now we always reset sys.excepthook after importing.
  • The type hints for the flax trainer suggested that the training split is optional when in fact it's mandatory.
  • Made BeakerWorkspace / BeakerStepLock more robust when a job is preempted.
  • Minor performance improvements for the Beaker executor and workspace.
  • Fixed bug with step_extra_dependencies where uncacheable dependencies wouldn't be run.

v1.0.2 - 2022-11-14


  • BeakerScheduler can now return a list of clusters.

v1.0.1 - 2022-10-20


  • LightningTrainStep now can take a Lazy model object which results in a gauranteed deterministic hash.
  • Fixed issue where remote Workspace implementations like WandbWorkspace and BeakerWorkspace would use the same local cache regardless of the W&B / Beaker workspace being used.
  • Fixed bug with TorchEvalStep when constructing callbacks.
  • Fixed some import error issues caused when an integration is not installed.
  • Fix incorrect reporting of final results in MulticoreExecutor.


  • Wandb step cache retries api call in case of timeout
  • beaker-py >= 1.11 required.

v1.0.0 - 2022-10-05


  • Added step_extra_dependencies input field to Step class that can be used to force a dependency on another step even if the current step doesn't directly depend on the output of the other step. See #418 for more context.


  • beaker-py >= 1.10 required.


  • Long log lines will be soft-wrapped to ensure that links are clickable.
  • Fixed a bug where some workspaces could be left in a bad state if a step's Format failed to serialize the step's result in Workspace.step_finished().
  • Sometimes functions and methods end up as arguments to steps, which means we have to hash them. Instead of taking a hash of the function, we now take a hash of the function's module and name.
  • Fixed a bug with the Beaker executor where it would hang at the end of a run if a step failed that is a dependency of another step.
  • Fixed tests to work with new version of transformers.
  • Fixed Executor.execute_sub_graph_for_step() to be able to run the step's dependencies in parallel.

v0.14.0 - 2022-09-20


  • Adds a function to modify a Hugging Face transformer with IA3 adaptors
  • Added a BeakerScheduler registrable class, specified as the argument scheduler to BeakerExecutor, which controls the resources assigned to steps ran on Beaker. Users can implement their own BeakerScheduler subclasses to customize the resource assignment behavior.


  • In the tango run command, --no-server is now the default. Use --server to start the server.


  • Made BeakerExecutor more robust to connection, timeout, SSL, and other recoverable HTTP errors.
  • Made the BeakerStepLock more robust, and as a result BeakerWorkspace is more robust and should require less manual intervention for locks in a bad state.
  • Fixed a bug with the internal scheduling logic of the BeakerExecutor which could delay submitting some steps in parallel.
  • Fixed a bug where creating a StepInfo object from params might result in unnecessary imports.
  • Fixed a bug where canceling the Beaker executor might not work properly.
  • Fixed a bug where the trainer trains too much when train_epochs is set and you're using gradient accumulation.
  • Fixed a bug where included modules might not be found when using multiprocessing when they're not on sys.path / PYTHONPATH.
  • Fixed how the results of uncacheable steps are displayed by tango run.
  • Beaker executor won't run duplicate cacheable steps at the same time.

v0.13.0 - 2022-09-07


  • You can now reference into a particular index of the result of another step in a config. For example: {type: "ref", ref: "some_previous_step", key: 0}. The key field can be an integer if the result of the referenced step is a list or tuple, or a string if the result of the referenced step is a dictionary.
  • Added priority parameter to Beaker executor for setting the default task priority for Beaker jobs.
  • Added Workspace.step_result() method for getting a step's result from the latest run.
  • tango run will now display a URL to the logs for failed steps when you use the BeakerExecutor.


  • The TorchTrainStep now enables monitoring arbitrary model outputs during training. TorchTrainEngine.forward_train now returns a tuple loss, model_outputs for each micro batch and the list of model outputs for all micro batches in a batch is passed to the TrainCallback.log_batch and TrainCallback.post_batch.
  • Tango will now automatically search Python modules in the current working directory for registered classes so that you don't always need to use the --include-package setting.
  • The minimum supported Python version is now 3.8.
  • Added support for PyTorch Lightning 1.7.x
  • The Beaker Executor will no-longer live-stream logs from Beaker jobs, but logs will be viewable on Beaker and more readable.
  • Only the Beaker executor requires a clean working directory


  • Fixed a bug that did not allow a wandb artifact's type to be set from a step's metadata dictionary.
  • Fixed a bug with how the Beaker executor streams log lines from Beaker which sometimes resulted in messages missing some starting characters, and tqdm lines being duplicated.
  • Fixed a bug in the Beaker workspace where the lock dataset wouldn't be removed if the step was found to be in an invalid state.
  • Improved cluster choice logic in BeakerExecutor to ensure greater diversity of clusters when submitting many steps at once.
  • Fixed bug where sub-processes of the multicore executor would use the wrong executor if executor was defined in a tango.yml file.
  • Deterministic hashes for numpy and torch tensors were not deterministic. Now they are.

v0.12.0 - 2022-08-23


  • Step resources:
    • Added a step_resources parameter to the Step class which should be used to describe the computational resources required to run a step. Executor implementations can use this information. For example, if your step needs 2 GPUs, you should set step_resources=StepResources(gpu_count=2) ("step_resources": {"gpu_count": 2} in the configuration language).
    • Added a Step.resources() property method. By default this returns the value specified by the step_resources parameter. If your step implementation always requires the same resources, you can just override this method so you don't have to provide the step_resources parameter.
  • Step execution:
    • Added an executor field to the tango.yml settings. You can use this to define the executor you want to use by default.
    • Added a Beaker Executor to the Beaker integration, registered as an Executor with the name "beaker". To use this executor, add these lines to your tango.yml file:
        type: beaker
        beaker_workspace: ai2/my-workspace
          - ai2/general-cirrascale
      See the docs for the BeakerExecutor for more information on the input parameters.
  • Step class:
    • Added a metadata field to the step class API. This can be set through the class variable METADATA or through the constructor argument step_metadata.
  • Weights & Biases integration:
    • You can now change the artifact kind for step result artifacts by adding a field called "artifact_kind" to a step's metadata. For models, setting "artifact_kind" to "model" will add the corresponding artifact to W&B's new model zoo.


  • CLI:
    • The tango run command will throw an error if you have uncommitted changes in your repository, unless you use the --allow-dirty flag.
    • The tango run command will use the lightweight base executor (single process) by default. To use the multi-process executor, set -j/--parallelism to 1 or higher or -1 to use all available CPU cores.


  • Fixed bug where StepInfo environment and platform metadata could be out-of-date if a step is run again due to failure.
  • Fixed a bug where an unfortunate combination of early stopping and decreasing model performance could result in a crash in the torch trainer.

v0.11.0 - 2022-08-04


  • Added a Flax integration along with an example config.

v0.10.1 - 2022-07-26


  • Fixed issue where the StepInfo config argument could be parsed into a Step.
  • Restored capability to run tests out-of-tree.

v0.10.0 - 2022-07-07


  • Renamed workspace parameter of BeakerWorkspace class to beaker_workspace.
  • Executor class is now a Registrable base class. MulticoreExecutor is registered as "multicore".


  • Removed StepExecutionMetadata. Its fields have been absorbed into StepInfo.


  • Improved Step.ensure_result() such that the step's result doesn't have to be read from the cache.
  • Fixed an issue with the output from MulticoreExecutor such that it's now consistent with the default Executor for steps that were found in the cache.
  • One of our error messages referred to a configuration file that no longer exists.
  • Improved performance of BeakerWorkspace.


  • Added the ability to train straight Model instead of just Lazy[Model]

v0.9.1 - 2022-06-24


  • Fixed non-deterministic behavior in TorchTrainStep.
  • Fixed bug in BeakerWorkspace where .step_info(step) would raise a KeyError if the step hasn't been registered as part of a run yet.
  • Fixed a bug in BeakerWorkspace where it would send too many requests to the beaker service.
  • Fixed a bug where WandbWorkspace.step_finished() or .step_failed() would crash if called from a different process than .step_starting().
  • Fixed a bug in WandbWorkspace.step_finished() which led to a RuntimeError sometimes while caching the result of a step.

v0.9.0 - 2022-06-01


  • Added a Beaker integration that comes with BeakerWorkspace, a remote Workspace implementation that uses Beaker Datasets under the hood.
  • Added a datasets::dataset_remix step that provides the split remixing functionality of tango.steps.datasest_remix.DatasetRemixStep now for Huggingface DatasetDict.
  • Added a config and code example of Registrable to the First Step docs with edits for clarity.


  • If you try to import something from a tango integration that is not fully installed due to missing dependencies, an IntegrationMissingError will be raised instead of ModuleNotFound.
  • You can now set -j 0 in tango run to disable multicore execution altogether.


  • Improved how steps and workspaces handle race conditions when different processes are competing to execute the same step. This would result in a RuntimeError before with most workspaces, but now it's handled gracefully.
  • Fixed bug which caused GradScaler state to not be saved and loaded with checkpoints.

v0.8.0 - 2022-05-19


  • Added a Weights & Baises remote Workspace implementation: WandbWorkspace, registered as "wandb". This can be instantiated from a workspace URL in the form "wandb://entity/project".
  • Added a method Workspace.step_result_for_run which gives the result of a step given the run name and step name within that run.
  • Added property Workspace.url, which returns a URL for the workspace that can be used to instantiate the exact same workspace using Workspace.from_url(). Subclasses must implement this.


  • StepInfo start and end times will be always be in UTC now.
  • WandbTrainCallback now logs system metrics from each worker process in distributed training.
  • StepCache.__contains__() and StepCache.__getitem__() now take accept either a Step or StepInfo as an argument (Union[Step, StepInfo]).
  • Refactored tango.step_graph.StepGraph to allow initialization from a Dict[str, Step].
  • Executor.execute_step_graph() now attempts to execute all steps and summarizes success/failures.


  • Fixed bug with LocalWorkspace.from_parsed_url() (#278).
  • Deprecation warnings will now be logged from tango CLI.
  • Fixed the text format in the case of serializing an iterator of string.
  • Added missing default value of None to TangoGlobalSettings.find_or_default().
  • Mypy has become incompatible with transformers and datasets, so we have to disable the checks in some places.
  • The VERSION member of step arguments that were wrapped in Lazy were not respected. Now they are.

v0.7.0 - 2022-04-19


  • Added the "-n/--name" option to tango run. This option allows the user to give the run an arbitrary name.
  • Added a convenience property .workspace to Step class that can be called from a step's .run() method to get the current Workspace being used.
  • Gave FromParams objects (which includes all Registrable objects) the ability to version themselves.
  • Added CLI option to run a single step in a config using --step-name or -s.
  • Added a MultiCoreExecutor that executes steps in parallel.
  • Added an ExecutorOutput dataclass that is returned by Executor.execute_step_graph().
  • StepGraph now prints itself in a readable way.
  • Tango now automatically detects when it's running under a debugger, and disables multicore support accordingly. Many debuggers can't properly follow sub-processes, so this is a convenience for people who love debuggers.
  • Added more models to the stuff we can import from the transformers library.
  • Added new example for finetuning text-to-text models.


  • Renamed click_logger to cli_logger, and we now use rich's logging Handler as the default handler, which means prettier output, better tracebacks, and you can use rich's markup syntax with the cli_logger to easily add style to text.
  • Refactored tango.step_graph.StepGraph to allow initialization from a Dict[str, Step].
  • Executor.execute_step_graph() now attempts to execute all steps and summarizes success/failures.
  • Upgraded PyTorch version in tango Docker image to latest v1.11.0+cu113.
  • RunGeneration now allows model object as input.


  • Fixed bug that mistakenly disallowed fully-qualified names containing "_" (underscores) in the config.
  • Fixed bug where TorchTrainStep working directory would be left in an unrecoverable state if training failed after saving the final model weights.
  • Fixed bug in FromParams where **kwargs might be passed down to the constructors of arguments.
  • Fixed bug in the way dependencies are tracked between steps.
  • Fixed bug that caused MulticoreExecutor to hang in case of a failing step that was required recursively (not directly) downstream.
  • Fixed bug in the way dependencies are tracked between steps
  • Compatibility with PyTorch Lightning 1.6

v0.6.0 - 2022-02-25


  • New example that finetunes a pre-trained ResNet model on the Cats & Dogs dataset.
  • Added a '@requires_gpus' decorator for marking tests as needing GPUs. Tests marked with this will be run in the "GPU Tests" workflow on dual k80 GPUs via Beaker.
  • Added the "-w/--workspace" option to tango run and tango server commands. This option takes a path or URL, and instantiates the workspace from the URL using the newly added Workspace.from_url() method.
  • Added the "workspace" field to TangoGlobalSettings.
  • Added the "environment" field to TangoGlobalSettings for setting environment variables each time tango is run.
  • Added a utility function to get a StepGraph directly from a file.
  • Added tango.settings module and tango settings group of commands.
  • A format for storing sequences as SqliteSparseSequence
  • A way to massage kwargs before they determine the unique ID of a Step


  • local_workspace.ExecutorMetadata renamed to StepExecutionMetadata and now saved as execution-metadata.json.
  • tango run without the option "-w/--workspace" or "-d/--workspace-dir" will now use a MemoryWorkspace instead of a LocalWorkspace in a temp directory, unless you've specified a default workspace in a TangoGlobalSettings file.
  • Moved tango.workspace.MemoryWorkspace and tango.local_workspace.LocalWorkspace to tango.workspaces.*.
  • Moved tango.step_cache.MemoryStepCache and tango.step_cache.LocalStepCache to tango.step_caches.*.
  • Deprecated the -d/--workspace-dir command-line option. Please use -w/--workspace instead.


  • Fixed a small bug LocalWorkspace would fail to capture the conda environment in our Docker image.
  • Fixed activation of FILE_FRIENDLY_LOGGING when set from the corresponding environment variable.
  • Fixed setting log level via the environment variable TANGO_LOG_LEVEL.
  • Use relative paths within the work_dir for symbolic links to the latest and the best checkpoints in TorchTrainStep.
  • Fixed some scenarios where Tango can hang after finishing all steps.
  • distributed_port and log_every parameters won't factor into TorchTrainStep's unique ID.
  • MappedSequence now works with slicing.
  • MappedSequence now works with Huggingface Dataset.
  • Uncacheable steps are now visible in Tango UI.
  • Fixed bug in Registrable.list_available() where an error might be raised if the default implementation hadn't been explicitly imported.
  • Fixed issue where having a default argument to the run() method wasn't getting applied to the step's unique ID.

v0.5.0 - 2022-02-09


  • Added TrainingEngine abstraction to torch integration.
  • Added FairScale with a FairScaleTrainingEngine that leverages FairScale's FullyShardedDataParallel. This is meant to be used within the TorchTrainStep.
  • All PyTorch components (such as learning rate schedulers, optimizers, data collators, etc) from the transformers library and now registered under the corresponding class in the torch integration. For example, transformers Adafactor optimizer is registered as an Optimizer under the name "transformers::Adafactor". More details can be found in the documentation for the transformers integration.


  • Various changes to the parameters othe TorchTrainStep due to the introduction of the TrainingEngine class.
  • Params logged as DEBUG level instead of INFO to reduce noise in logs.
  • The waiting message for FileLock is now clear about which file it's waiting for.
  • Added an easier way to get the default Tango global config
  • Most methods to TorchTrainCallback also take an epoch parameter now.
  • WandbTrainCallback now logs peak GPU memory occupied by PyTorch tensors per worker. This is useful because W&B's system metrics only display the total GPU memory reserved by PyTorch, which is always higher than the actual amount of GPU memory occupied by tensors. So these new metrics give a more accurate view into how much memory your training job is actually using.
  • Plain old Python functions can now be used in Lazy objects.
  • LocalWorkspace now creates a symlink to the outputs of the latest run.
  • Tango is now better at guessing when a step has died and should be re-run.
  • Tango is now more lenient about registering the same class under the same name twice.
  • When you use dict instead of Dict in your type annotations, you now get a legible error message. Same for List, Tuple, and Set.


  • Fixed a bug in Registrable and FromParams where registered function constructors would not properly construct arguments that were classes.
  • Fixed a bug in FromParams that would cause a crash when an argument to the constructor had the name params.
  • Made FromParams more efficient by only trying to parse the params as a Step when it looks like it actually could be a step.
  • Fixed bug where Executor would crash if git command could not be found.
  • Fixed bug where validation settings were not interpreted the right way by the torch trainer.
  • When you register the same name twice using Registrable, you get an error message. That error message now contains the correct class name.

v0.4.0 - 2022-01-27


  • Default log level is WARNING instead of ERROR.
  • The web UI now renders the step graph left-to-right.
  • The web UI now shows runs by date, with the most recent run at the top.
  • The web UI now shows steps in a color-coded way.
  • The tango run command now prints user-friendly paths if possible.
  • The --include-package flag now also accepts paths instead of module names.
  • tango.common.sqlite_sparse_sequence.SqliteSparseSequence now lives at tango.common.sequences.SqliteSparseSequence.


  • Ensure tqdm log lines always make it into the log file out.log even when log level is WARNING or ERROR.
  • Numerous parts of Tango now have documentation when they didn't before.

v0.4.0rc5 - 2022-01-19


  • Added TorchEvalStep to torch integration, registered as "torch::eval".


  • Renamed aggregate_val_metric to auto_aggregate_val_metric in TorchTrainStep.
  • devices parameter to TorchTrainStep replaced with device_count: int.
  • Run name printed at the end of a run so it's easier to find.
  • Type information added to package data. See PEP 561 for more information.
  • A new integration, transformers, with two new steps for running seq2seq models.
  • Added logging_tqdm, if you don't want a progress bar, but you still want to see progress in the logs.
  • Added threaded_generator(), for wrapping generators so that they run in a separate thread from the generator's consumer.
  • Added a new example for evaluating the T0 model on XSum, a summarization task.
  • Added MappedSequence for functionally wrapping sequences.
  • Added TextFormat, in case you want to store the output of your steps in raw text instead of JSON.
  • Steps can now list arguments in SKIP_ID_ARGUMENTS to indicate that the argument should not affect a step's unique id. This is useful for arguments that affect the execution of a step, but not the output.
  • Step now implements __str__, so steps look pretty in the debugger.
  • Added DatasetCombineStep, a step that combines multiple datasets into one.
  • Added common.logging.initialize_worker_logging() function for configuring logging from worker processes/threads.
  • Logs from tango run ... will be written to a file called out.log in the run directory.


  • Fixed torch StopEarlyCallback state not being recovered properly on restarts.
  • Fixed file friendly logging by removing special styling characters.
  • Ensured exceptions captured in logs.
  • LocalWorkspace now works properly with uncacheable steps.
  • When a Tango run got killed hard, with kill -9, or because the machine lost power, LocalWorkspace would sometimes keep a step marked as "running", preventing further executions. This still happens sometimes, but it is now much less likely (and Tango gives you instructions for how to fix it).
  • To make all this happen, LocalWorkspace now saves step info in a Sqlite database. Unfortunately that means that the workspace format changes and existing workspace directories won't work properly with it.
  • Fixed premature cleanup of temporary directories when using MemoryWorkspace

v0.4.0rc4 - 2021-12-20


  • Fixed a bug where StepInfo fails to deserialize when error is an exception that can't be pickled.

v0.4.0rc3 - 2021-12-15


  • Added DatasetsFormat format and LoadStreamingDataset step to datasets integration.
  • SqliteDictFormat for datasets.
  • Added pre_epoch() and post_epoch() callback methods to PyTorch TrainCallback.


  • LoadDataset step from datasets integration is now cacheable, using the DatasetsFormat format by default. But this only works with non-streaming datasets. For streaming datasets, you should use the LoadStreamingDataset step instead.


  • Fixed bug where KeyboardInterrupt exceptions were not handled properly by steps and workspaces.
  • WandbTrainCallback now will use part of the step's unique ID as the name for the W&B run by default, to make it easier to indentify which tango step corresponds to each run in W&B.
  • WandbTrainCallback will save the entire TrainConfig object to the W&B config.

v0.4.0rc2 - 2021-12-13


  • Sample experiment configurations that prove Euler's identity


  • Loosened Click dependency to include v7.0.
  • Loosened datasets dependency.
  • Tightened petname dependency to exclude next major release for safety.


  • Workspace, MemoryWorkspace, and LocalWorkspace can now be imported directly from the tango base module.
  • Uncacheable leaf steps would never get executed. This is now fixed.
  • We were treating failed steps as if they were completed by accident.
  • The visualization had a problem with showing steps that never executed because a dependency failed.
  • Fixed a bug where Lazy inputs to a Step would fail to resolve arguments that come from the result of another step.
  • Fixed a bug in TorchTrainStep where some arguments for distributed training (devices, distributed_port) weren't being set properly.

v0.4.0rc1 - 2021-11-30


  • Introduced the concept of the Workspace, with LocalWorkspace and MemoryWorkspace as initial implementations.
  • Added a stub of a webserver that will be able to visualize runs as they happen.
  • Added separate classes for LightningTrainingTypePlugin, LightningPrecisionPlugin, LightningClusterEnvironmentPlugin, LightningCheckpointPlugin for compatibility with pytorch-lightning>=1.5.0.
  • Added a visualization of workspaces that can show step graphs while they're executing.


  • Removed old LightningPlugin class
  • Removed requirement of the overrides package


  • Made it possible to construct a step graph out of Step objects, instead of constructing it out of StepStub objects.
  • Removed dataset fingerprinting code, since we can now use Step to make sure things are cached.
  • Made steps deterministic by default.
  • Brought back MemoryStepCache, so we can run steps without configuring anything.
  • W&B torch::TrainCallback logs with step=step+1 now so that training curves in the W&B dashboard match up with checkpoints saved locally and are easier to read (e.g. step 10000 instead of 9999).
  • filelock >= 3.4 required, parameter poll_intervall to tango.common.file_lock.FileLock.acquire renamed to poll_interval.


  • Fixed bug in FromParams where a parameter to a FromParams class may not be instantiated correctly if it's a class with a generic type parameter.

v0.3.6 - 2021-11-12


  • Added a .log_batch() method on torch::TrainCallback which is given the average loss across distributed workers, but only called every log_every steps.


  • Removed .pre_log_batch() method on torch::TrainCallback.


  • Fixed typo in parameter name remove_stale_checkpoints in TorchTrainStep (previously was remove_state_checkpoints).
  • Fixed bug in FromParams that would cause failures when from __future__ import annotations was used with Python older than 3.10. See PEP 563 for details.

v0.3.5 - 2021-11-05


  • Fixed a bug in FromParams where the "type" parameter was ignored in some cases where the Registrable base class did not directly inherit from Registrable.

v0.3.4 - 2021-11-04


  • Added StopEarlyCallback, a torch::TrainCallback for early stopping.
  • Added parameter remove_stale_checkpoints to TorchTrainStep.


  • Minor changes to torch::TrainCallback interface.
  • Weights & Biases torch::TrainCallback now logs best validation metric score.

v0.3.3 - 2021-11-04


  • Added support for PEP 604 in FromParams, i.e. writing union types as "X | Y" instead of "Union[X, Y]".
  • [internals] Added a spot for miscellaneous end-to-end integration tests (not to be confused with "tests of integrations") in tests/end_to_end/.
  • [internals] Core tests now run on all officially supported Python versions.


  • Fixed a bug in FromParams where non-FromParams class parameters were not instantiated properly (or at all).
  • Fixed a bug in FromParams where kwargs were not passed on from a wrapper class to the wrapped class.
  • Fixed small bug where some errors from git would be printed when executor metadata is created outside of a git repository.

v0.3.2 - 2021-11-01


  • Fixed a bug with FromParams that caused .from_params() to fail when the params contained an object that was already instantiated.
  • tango command no longer installs a SIGTERM handler, which fixes some bugs with integrations that use multiprocessing.

v0.3.1 - 2021-10-29


  • Updated the LightningTrainStep to optionally take in a LightningDataModule as input.

v0.3.0 - 2021-10-28


  • Added IterableDatasetDict, a version of DatasetDict for streaming-like datasets.
  • Added a PyTorch Lightning integration with LightningTrainStep.


  • Fixed bug with FromParams and Lazy where extra arguments would sometimes be passed down through to a Lazy class when they shouldn't.

v0.2.4 - 2021-10-22



  • --file-friendly-logging flag is now an option to the main tango command, so needs to be passed before run, e.g. tango --file-friendly-logging run ....


  • Fixed bug with Step.from_params.
  • Ensure logging is initialized is spawn processes during distributed training with TorchTrainStep.

v0.2.3 - 2021-10-21


  • Added support for global settings file, tango.yml.
  • Added 'include_package' (array of string) param to config spec.
  • Added a custom error StopEarly that a TrainCallback can raise within the TorchTrainStep to stop training early without crashing.
  • Added step config, tango command, and tango version to executor metadata.
  • Executor now also saves pip dependencies and conda environment files to the run directory for each step.


  • Ensured **kwargs arguments are logged in FromParams.

v0.2.2 - 2021-10-19


  • Added new steps to datasets integration: ConcatenateDatasets ("datasets::concatenate") and InterleaveDatasets (datasets::interleave).
  • Added __contains__ and __iter__ methods on DatasetDict so that it is now a Mapping class.
  • Added tango info command that - among other things - displays which integrations are installed.

v0.2.1 - 2021-10-18


  • Added convert_to_tango_dataset_dict() function in the datasets integration. It's important for step caching purposes to use this to convert a HF DatasetDict to a native Tango DatasetDict when that DatasetDict is part of the input to another step. Otherwise the HF DatasetDict will have to be pickled to determine its hash.


  • Format.checksum() is now an abstract method. Subclasses should only compute checksum on the serialized artifact and nothing else in the directory.
  • [internals] Changed the relationship between Executor, StepCache, and Step. Executor now owns the StepCache, and Step never interacts with StepCache directly.

v0.2.0 - 2021-10-15


  • Added a Weights & Biases integration with a training callback ("wandb::log") for TorchTrainStep ("torch::train") that logs training and validation metrics to W&B.


  • Fixed Format.checksum() when there is a symlink to a directory in the cache folder.

v0.1.3 - 2021-10-15


  • Added the ability to track a metric other than "loss" for validation in TorchTrainStep ("torch::train").


  • Final model returned from TorchTrainStep ("torch::train") will have best weights loaded.
  • Checkpoints are saved from TorchTrainStep ("torch::train") even when there is no validation loop.
  • Fixed TorchTrainStep ("torch::train") when validation_split is None.
  • Fixed distributed training with TorchTrainStep ("torch::train") on GPU devices.

v0.1.2 - 2021-10-13


  • Added support for YAML configuration files.

v0.1.1 - 2021-10-12


  • TorchTrainStep now displays a progress bar while saving a checkpoint to file.
  • The default executor now saves a "executor-metadata.json" file to the directory for each step.


  • Renamed DirectoryStepCache to LocalStepCache (registered as "local").
  • LocalStepCache saves metadata to cache-metadata.json instead of metadata.json.


  • Fixed bug with TorchTrainStep during distributed training.
  • FromParams will automatically convert strings into Path types now when the annotation is Path.

v0.1.0 - 2021-10-11


  • Added StepGraph and Executor abstractions.
  • Added a basic PyTorch training step registered as "torch::train", along with other registrable components, such as Model, DataLoader, Sampler, DataCollator, Optimizer, and LRScheduler.
  • Added DatasetRemixStep in tango.steps.
  • Added module tango.common.sequences.
  • Added DatasetDict class in tango.common.dataset_dict.
  • Added 🤗 Datasets integration.
  • Added command-line options to set log level or disable logging completely.


  • Step.work_dir, Step.unique_id, Step.dependencies, and Step.recursive_dependencies are now a properties instead of methods.
  • tango run command will acquire a lock on the directory to avoid race conditions.
  • Integrations can now be installed with pip install tango[INTEGRATION_NAME]. For example, pip install tango[torch].
  • Added method Registrable.search_modules() for automatically finding and importing the modules where a given name might be registered.
  • FromParams.from_params() and Registrable.resolve_class_name will now call Registrable.search_modules() to automatically import modules where the type might be defined. Thus for classes that are defined and registered within any tango.* submodules it is not necessary to explicitly import them.


  • Step implementations can now take arbitrary **kwargs in their run() methods.

v0.0.3 - 2021-09-27


  • Added tango command.

v0.0.2 - 2021-09-27


  • Ported over core tango components from AllenNLP.

v0.0.1 - 2021-09-22


  • Added initial project boilerplate.