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File metadata and controls

407 lines (239 loc) · 18.8 KB


April 6th 2019

Improved pie charts

Pie charts now need a @threshold. This is used to determine which labels get thrown into the 'Other' bin. Useful for long reports with many, many findings of each a different type. Example:

<generate_piechart pieAttr="type" pieElem="finding" pieHeight="175" status="new unresolved" threshold=2 />

This piechart for findings by type will lump all types that have a count below 2 into one big Other bin.

Note: To turn this off for a pie chart, set @threshold to 1.

Implementing secrets

Your very own cold war style censoring mechanism! Censor blocks or inline text in your report by wrapping whatever you don't want visible in <secret> tags! Don't forget to add secrets="hide" to the <pentest_report> root element though, or your classified stuff will be out in the open for all to see!

July 5th

New planning elements in activityinfo/meta

The old <testingduration> element has been replaced by the following elements:

    <start><!--date in ISO format (YYYY-MM-DD) or TBD-->2017-06-08</start>
    <end><!--date in ISO format (YYYY-MM-DD) or TBD-->YYYY-MM-DD</end>

Accordingly, the old <p_testingduration/> placeholder element has been replaced by <p_startdate> and <p_enddate>.

June 9th

Implemented 'Incident Response Management' template

Works the same as quickscope.xml, only you use ir_quickscope.xml. Snippet selection depends on the presence of the optional <organization_readiness_assessment> element and its contents (other snippets are mandatory).

Various little buglets have been squashed as well.

June 8th ('I'm seeing the world in shades of orange' edition)

Pie Chart Improvements

Pie charts can now be filtered on finding @status, just like Summary and Recommendation tables. Example: <generate_piechart pieAttr="type" pieElem="finding" pieHeight="175" status="new unresolved"/>

Also, for status and threatLevel pie charts, colours are now tied to severity, so you go from angry orange to reassuring green (in case of status) or from panicky orange to puzzled grey (in case of threatLevel -- grey is 'threatLevel Unknown')

Prettier finding retest status

For findings, the not-at-all-tacky status colours from the previous update have been replaced with the still-not-tacky corresponding pie chart colours, and the status is now properly capitalized throughout the report.

June 7th

Finetuned some retest features

Specifically for retests, we now have the following nuggets of fun:

  • The @status attribute of the findings and recommendations tables can now take a space-separated list instead of a single status value, which means you can now generate a table for multiple statuses at once. Example: <generate_recommendations status="new unresolved"/>
  • Finding's statuses are now colour-coded in the PDF: Resolved = green, New & Unresolved = Red, Not retested = Orange. It's not tacky at all, trust me. Very understated and classy. :)

March 29th, 2017

Finding Count placeholders

In reports, you now have access to the <finding_count> placeholder. It takes an optional attribute @threatLevel and returns the number of findings with that threatLevel in the report. If no @threatLevel attribute is added, it returns the total number of findings in the report. Useful for Results in a Nutshell type of texts.

Example: <finding_count threatLevel="Low"/>

March 20th, 2017

Rate cards

The file client_info.xml, now accepts standard rates for the client. These can be called from the snippet ratecard.xml to generate a rate card, i.e. a PDF specifying the rates a client can expect to pay.

In client_info.xml, we want the following info:

<rates denomination="eur" lastrevisiondate="2017-03-01">
        <rate title="juniorpentester">100</rate>
        <rate title="mediorpentester">200</rate>
        <rate title="seniorpentester">500</rate>
        <rate title="expertpentester">1000</rate>
        <rate title="juniormanager">100</rate>
        <rate title="seniormanager">125</rate>

Usage: snippets/ratecard/ratecard.xml --> ratecard.pdf (using generate_ratecard.xsl and fop)

February 27th, 2017

Optional extra info field in invoices

An extra element with the imaginative name <invoice_extra_field> has been added to client_info.xml. In this field you can enter a line requested by the client, such as creditor number, cost centre, internal account number or whatever info they need for their internal administration. If not needed, delete or leave empty.

February 24th, 2017

Pie chart linking

All pie charts now show a finding count in the legend label.

The threat level pie chart legend finding count now additionally links to the summary table.

The summary table is now ordered on threat level severity and each finding ID in the table links to the actual finding.

Generated links (e.g. <a href="#finding1"/>) now have an optional attribute @includepage which can be set to yes or no (default is yes). If set to yes, the link will be generated as it was up till now (e.g. "SID-001 (page 4)"); if set to no, the link will be generated without the page number in parenthesis.

The big pre/code/monospace switch

To have better compatibility with HTML and markdown-to-xml scripts, we have slimmed down and mixed up the <pre>, <code> and <monospace> tags. I tried to describe what was what and is now something else, but it became way too confusing. To keep it simple, just know this:

  • <pre> is for terminal output and code blocks, just like the triple back-tick (```) in markdown
  • <code> is for the inline monospace font, just like the single back-tick (`) in markdown

January 12th, 2017

Pie charts

You can now generate pie charts for any countable data that might be in the report. You can do so using the element <generate_piechart pieAttr="x" pieElem="y" pieHeight="z">, where x is the attribute value of any element y in the document (useful charts would be threatLevel for x and finding for y to show a pie chart of the share of findings by threat level, or type for x and finding for y to show a pie chart of the share of findings by type). The height (and width) of the pie is set in the pieHeight attribute, where z is the height of the pie chart in px.

August 25th, 2016

More configurable contract snippet selection

You can now configure contract types and the snippets they use in snippets/snippetselection.xml. The selected snippets will be used when generating the contract from contract_info.xml (see Aug 19 release notes). If you define no snippet group, all snippets will be generated one after the other in the resulting contract. If you do define snippet groups, these can then be referenced from the xslt so that you generate a group at a time (useful if there should be something in between them or if they go in different sections or something like that). In due time this will also be generated for offertes (so as to configure offertes generated from the quickscope.xml)

Generic Document footnotes

You can now use footnotes (<p>This is a nice<fnref>And by nice I mean that it contains a footnote</fnref> sentence.</p>) in generic documents. In due time these will also be added to pentest reports and offertes.

Generic Document bibliography

You can now use bibliography references and entries in generic documents. In due time these will also be added to pentest reports and offertes.


<p>This is a nice book<bibref ref="bib1"/>.</p>` 

<section id="bibliography">
                    <biblioentry role="book" id="bib1">
                            <title>Books are cool</title>
                            <info>pages 207–228</info>
                                    <name>We Publish Everything</name>
                                    <a href=""></a>

August 19th, 2016


Added a contract document type; it works as follows:

  1. fill out the fields (elements) in contract_info.xml
  2. Create contract.xml from contract_info.xml using info2contract.xsl
  3. contract.xml --> contract.pdf (using generate_contract.xsl + fop)

In general there shoudl be no need to edit contract.xml, it is an intermediate document. The idea is to go straight from contract_info.xml to contract.pdf (in two steps)

July 30, 2016

Finding status

New feature for retests: finding status to indicate if, in context of a follow-up pentest, a finding is new, resolved, still unresolved or not retested.

The <finding> element now has an optional @status attribute. Possible values are:

  • new
  • unresolved
  • resolved
  • not_retested

The <generate_findings/> element now likewise has this optional @status attribute with the same possible values. You can add it to generate a finding summary table containing only the findings with a specific status.

June 15, 2016

Giant update to celebrate these xml templates having been elevated to OWASP project status. Because how better to do that than through introducing a load of bugs. :)

Multilingual workflow

You can now set the desired language in quickscope, using the offer_language element. This will generate the proper offer with the proper language snippets.

Note: language stuff is defined in two places:

  1. in source/snippets/offerte (language directories for all snippets)
  2. in source/snippets/localisationstrings.xml (these are strings used in xslt; e.g. when generating an offer from quickscope)

Offer types

You can now set the desired offer type in quickscope, using the offer_type element. This will generate the proper offer with the proper snippets.

Note: system looks for snippets with the type suffix first, and uses the standard snippet if none is found.


Offer type is 'basic-scan'.

When generating an xml offer from quickscope, the xslt will first look for the file:


If it cannot find this file, it will instead use


Customizable waivers

Yes, the stories you heard are true (and we'll get that snitch one day!) - waivers are no longer hard-coded but are now normal, customizable snippets. Well, not completely normal. It goes like this:

When generating waivers for client + third parties, the xslt will use the contents of the <standard_waiver> element in <waivers> in the waiver.xml snippet.

UNLESS: you have added an optional <alternative_waiver> element below <standard_waiver> (still in <waivers>) and have given it a Ref attribute that refers to the id of the client/party for which this alternative waiver needs to be used (just add an id if the client or party doesn't have one yet).

So to summarize:

  1. xslt checks if an alternative waiver has been defined for a specific client or party in the offer,
  2. if not, it uses the standard waiver

Now isn't that simple!

Note: to support this functionality, a bunch of waiver-only placeholders have been introduced, to wit: <signee_long>, <signee_short>, <signee_street>, <signee_city>, <signee_country>, <signee_waiver_rep>. Don't use them anywhere else though (they will fail and anyway it wouldn't make sense).

May 23, 2016

Offerte --> Pentest-report

Last step in the document chain has been completed: you can now generate a (bare bones) Pentest report from any offerte the client has accepted, using the following command:

java -jar saxon9he.jar -s:source/offerte.xml -xsl:xslt/off2rep.xsl -o:source/report.xml

This makes the document workflow as follows:

  1. Fill in quickscope.xml
  2. Create offerte.xml from quickscope.xml using qs2offerte.xsl
  3. If client accepts offerte, create report.xml from offerte.xml using off2rep.xsl
  4. After pentest has concluded, create invoice from offerte using either the direct route or the roundabout one (see March 24, 2016 in the release notes for more info)

April 25, 2016

Hidden elements

It is now possible to hide section, appendix and annex elements from the generated report, offerte or generic document. To do so, add the optional attribute visibility="hidden" to whatever it is you want to hide in the generated PDF.

Links to hidden targets will give an error (in the document), as will links to non-existing targets in general.

Client Placeholder renaming

All placeholders that used to start with c_* (c_short, c_poc1, etc) now start with client_.

April 21, 2016

Generic Documents

We now have a generic document type, which can be used for (drumroll) generic documents (whitepapers, training notes, presentation notes, whatever).

It is a super-simple template: it contains a a sparse meta section, an optional ToC and then any number of sections and elements. All the general text elements (tables, lists, pre, code, a, etc etc) can be used. It's so simple I'm not even going to document it. Check the example doc in doc/examples if you're lost, but if you've ever written an offer or a pentest report using this system it should be a piece of cake. :)

Usage: genericdocument.xml --> genericdocument.pdf (using generate_doc.xsl + fop)

April 4, 2016

Associating targets with parties

You can now associate certain targets with certain parties. The <client> and <party> element now have an optional id attribute. Each target element now has an optional Ref attribute.

In waivers, only the targets associated with the party/client that needs to sign the waiver will be shown.

<generate_targets/> also has an optional Ref attribute for when you only want to generate a list of targets for one client/party.

If a target has no Ref attribute, it will appear in all the lists (both in the waivers and when using <generate_targets/>).

March 24, 2016

More elaborate invoicing

Instead of generating an invoice straight from the offerte, as described in the release notes of March 10, you can now also take the roundabout route and customize the invoice.

So instead of:

  1. offerte.xml --> invoice.pdf (using generate_inv.xsl + fop)

You can do:

  1. offerte.xml --> invoice.xml (using off2inv.xsl)
  2. edit invoice.xml (add some extra costs, most likely)
  3. invoice.xml --> invoice.pdf (using generate_inv.xsl + fop)

More often than not, the simple route will do just fine, though.

Added client VAT element

When billing EU customers, you do not need to charge VAT (but you do need to have the client's VAT number on the invoice). So the <client> element now has an optional <vat_no> child.

March 10, 2016

Fee denomination

The <fee> element in <pentestinfo> now has an optional denomination attribute, which can be set to euro (default) or dollar. Yay for globalization! No, wait.

Anyway, the denomination is added automatically whenever you reference the fee using the <p_fee/> placeholder.

Client info now has its own file

The <client> element has been extracted from the document and now exists all by itself in the file client_info.xml, which is located in the source directory. This gives us the possibility to have a 'client library' and to easily reuse client info - just replace the file with the proper one for the current client.

Note that there are some new fields in the client section, <invoice_rep> and <invoice_mail> for use in the... (see next section)


w00t. You can now generate a pdf invoice directly from offerte.xml. Use:

java -jar saxon9he.jar -s:/path/to/offerte/source/offerte.xml -xsl:/path/to/offerte/xslt/generate_invoice.xsl -o:/path/to/report/target/ INVOICE_NO=[invoice number] -xi

And then:

fop -c conf/rosfop.xconf /path/to/offerte/target/ path/to/offerte/target/invoice.pdf

March 9, 2016

An essay on placeholders


Placeholders can now be used in both offertes and pentest reports. Within reason, though! Pentest reports only have access to a limited set as the other placeholders are not relevant:

  • c_long, c_short, c_street, c_city, c_country (i.e. client data)
  • company_long, company_short (i.e. company data)
  • p_duration, p_boxtype, p_testingduration, p_reportwritingduration, p_reportdue (i.e. pentest info)
  • t_app, t_app_producer (i.e. tested app name & producer)

To accommodate for especially those last two bullets, we now have room for an optional pentestinfo tag in the report meta section, following the <targets> element. It's the same as the pentestinfo for offertes, except it doesn't hold financial info.


When you insert a placeholder, there is now a check to see if a. The element you're referring to exists b. The element you're referring to contains text

If either a or b are not the case, you'll end up with a red XXXXX. Which should hopefully get your, or somebody else's, attention during review time.

Title Case

Uppercase is now forced on titles that should be in uppercase (i.e. report and offerte title pages, plus offerte titles in general).

Forcing title case for pentest report titles is unfortunately not possible from a style point of view as xsl-fo can only capitalize every word, which is not really what we want. But Peter Mosmans's validation script has your back on this.

Finally, we have a <div> element!

What does <div> do?

Nothing. <div> just is.

Sigh. Ok, why is <div>?

You can use <div> as a container for other block elements. This is basically only (but very) useful for snippets, as snippets need to be well-formed XML documentlets and can therefore only have one root element. If the snippet is a complete section, this is not a problem. If the snippet is a bunch of paragraphs or something, you're out of luck. Or rather, you used to be out of luck, because there was no <div>. But now there is <div>. So your snippet can be <div> (root element), containing everything you want. Well, everything that's allowed, anyway.

So what's allowed in <div>?

All block elements: p, ul, ol, table, img, pre, code

And what elements can contain <div>?

Sections, Annexes and Appendices. NOTHING ELSE. DON'T EVEN TRY.