- You can find this page at http://bit.ly/wgsfu2020
- Program details
Please use your instructor-provided unique guest account userXXX
(where XXX=001..118) and password to
connect to our small training cluster cassiopeia.c3.ca
via ssh.
If you don't have Eduroam or other SFU wireless account, please let us know.
- class notes http://bit.ly/bashmd
- for quizzes log in to https://socrative.com as student and enter room MARDBQSUU
- bash: searching for things, scripts (and functions), couple of more advanced tools (same notes http://bit.ly/bashmd)
- Introduction to HPC http://bit.ly/introhpc (ZIP file with slides and codes)
- Introduction to HPC http://bit.ly/introhpc (same ZIP file with slides and codes as yesterday)
- workshop https://westgrid-julia.netlify.com/workshops/intro.html
- webinar https://westgrid-julia.netlify.com/webinars/intro.html
- slides http://bit.ly/chapeltop
- lecture notes:
- Chapel base language https://github.com/razoumov/publish/blob/master/01-base.md
- task parallelism https://github.com/razoumov/publish/blob/master/02-task-parallelism.md
- data parallelism https://github.com/razoumov/publish/blob/master/03-domain-parallelism.md
- ParaView slides, codes and sample datasets http://bit.ly/paraviewzip
- Plotly notes http://bit.ly/plotlymd