0.0.1 First release!
0.0.2 Documentation updates.
0.0.3 Fixed an issue where perform was not passing it's completion closure correctly.
0.1.0 Added testing, SPM, Travis CI
0.1.1 Support for delay and UIViewAnimationOptions
1.0.0 Our 1.0 Release!!!! Added a new .then(animation: Animate) for composing complex animations simply. Lots added to the README.md and updates to the docs. Code is broken down clearer in the repository.
1.0.1 Minor bug fixes
1.2.0 Adds keyframe animation support as well as a number of UIView extensions to make working with this repository even easier!
1.3.0 Adds a whole bunch of new animation functionality. Also marks a major milestone in breaking down the functionality of the framework into smaller pieces and following suit with testing as well.