{%= description %}
{%= include("install-npm", {save: true}) %}
var regex = require('{%= name %}');
(Any of the following can start with todo
or @todo
and an optional colon)
JavaScript line comments:
var match = '// todo: foo bar baz'.match(regex());
//=> 'foo bar baz'
JavaScript block comments:
var match = '/*\n * @todo one two three\n */'.match(regex());
//=> 'one two three'
HTML comments:
var match = '<!-- todo: foo bar baz -->'.match(regex());
//=> 'foo bar baz'
{%= related(['copyright-regex', 'dotfile-regex', 'path-regex']) %}
{%= include("tests") %}
{%= include("contributing") %}
{%= include("author") %}
{%= copyright() %} {%= license() %}
{%= include("footer") %}