All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
1.1.0 (2021-01-29)
- index: replace indiana with india (eaf22e4)
1.0.0 (2020-11-09)
docs: use minified UMD bundle for demo site (4fa265b)
feat(index)!: skip characters that are not on the alphabet map (3579293)
- filter out
from converter array output when a character does not exist on the alphabet map.
0.3.0 (2020-11-08)
- docs: add missing text field line (b4eb72b)
- docs: ensure input is focused even if it's in an iframe (566682d)
- docs: resolve error by using default export on window namespace (4ddfb1b)
- docs: specify
[email protected]
for unpkg (2117014)
- docs: load Roboto font and use headline3 styles for heading (2559e35)
- index: return early with empty array if string is blank (6a5334a)
0.2.0 (2020-02-21)
- docs: ensure fallback cdn script is loaded on gh-pages (20311a4)
- docs: add github-corners and update meta description (7ff2d6a)
- src: export
- docs: add ripple styling to chips (606bfef)
- docs: add static site demo of library that uses mdc web (b72e240)
- docs: fallback to cdn if local js is not found in index.html (d0daf6f)
- docs: style the words as chips (b6f86ca)
- docs: wrap markup in html5-boilerplate (caf0a58)
- index: add index.js and "files" in package.json (169f417)
- index: remove
and updatepackage.json
(f9dfe12) - src: add
with phonetic alphabet map and converter (d3bc7f7) - src: throw a type error if first argument is not a string (841555b)