You have been given some boilerplate code that was adapted from Create React App. You can install all dependencies with
or npm i
and then start the application with yarn start
or npm run start
Right now, the code isn't quite working, but the idea is to create an interface where a user can enter the names of cities and get up-to-date weather data. We provide you an API key, which can be used to call the openweather API as such:
The temperature for Paris is already showing and an example of the API response is included below.
Your task is to extend the code so that a user can start adding their own cities, for example if they wanted to know the temperature in "london" then it should be able to do it via the interface.
Relax and take your time.
Read the brief and task, make sure you understand what is required. Use your interviewer, talk to them throughout the exercise. They can answer any questions around the brief, or be there to help talk through technical concepts.
Be sure to talk us through your thought process throughout, we're more interested in how you approach the problem than the solution. A non-working solution with narration is better than a working solution done in silence.
Prioritise on getting the code right and styling is secondary.
"coord": {
"lon": 2.3488,
"lat": 48.8534
"weather": [
"id": 804,
"main": "Clouds",
"description": "overcast clouds",
"icon": "04d"
"base": "stations",
"main": {
"temp": 9.57,
"feels_like": 5.63,
"temp_min": 8.89,
"temp_max": 10,
"pressure": 995,
"humidity": 93
"visibility": 10000,
"wind": {
"speed": 5.14,
"deg": 300
"clouds": {
"all": 90
"dt": 1612177860,
"sys": {
"type": 1,
"id": 6550,
"country": "FR",
"sunrise": 1612164041,
"sunset": 1612198057
"timezone": 3600,
"id": 2988507,
"name": "Paris",
"cod": 200