The purpose of yet another rest thingy framework is just about not being a framework.
Goals are:
- not to impose any structure on consuming code
- keep the usage of Flask routing and functionality alone
- easy, fast creation of rest services without constantly duplicating your code
- support a browsable api
Decorate functions decorated with @app.route("/blablabla")
or used in an add_url_rule
with the api_view
from flask_jigger.views import api_view
def someflaskviewfunction(id):
return {'result':id}
Some people like to be able to request a different mimetype from within their browser or another client without setting the Accept
from flask_jigger.urlrules import format_suffix_url_rules
def someflaskviewfunction()
return {'result':'yes'}
Now you can access the resource also with /bla.json
or /bla.jsonp
, overriding the Accept
If you want, you can also make your code more readable by using the status module:
from flask_jigger.views import api_view
from flask_jigger import status
def someflaskviewfunction(id):
abort(status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST) #instead of abort(400)
Flask-Jigger is listed on pypi and can be installed using pip:
pip install Flask-Jigger