All notable changes to this repository will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
0.4.0 - 2022-08-04
Improvements on code resuability, resiliency and flexibility 🔥
- Update of the solution versioning strategy proposed in this template (details here) because with a concatenation of the date (yyyymmdd) and the workflow run id for the patch part of the version we quickly reach some limitations on Power Platform solution versioning
- Checkout the
branch in the clean-dev-workspace-when-issue-closed-or-deleted before trying to delete the development branch if it exists - Management of the activation of cloud flows with child flows: introduction of a notion of retry in the Enable-CloudFlows PowerShell script to cover a kind of multi-layered architecture (cloud flows calling cloud flows calling cloud flows...) based on a configuration at the repository level
- Removal of custom steps for cloud flows custom JSON formatting because the out-of-the-box Power Platform GitHub actions handle this part natively now
- Replacement of custom steps for the unpack and pack of canvas apps using PAC CLI with the new inputs in the out-of-the-box Power Platform GitHub actions - ⚠ To correctly handle this process we currently have workarounds in place (#226) that will be removed as soon as possible
- Correction of issues due to an update on Azure CLI commands output schema (
) in some PowerShell scripts - Specification of the correct source branch for the build of the managed solution in the solution-quality-check-on-pr workflow
- Update of the version of some GitHub actions used in our workflows:
- checkout from 2 to 3.0.2
- github/codeql-action/upload-sarif from 1 to 2 (in powershell-analysis)
- actions/download-artifact from 2 to 3
- actions/upload-artifact from 2 to 3
- peter-evans/create-or-update-comment from 1 to 2
- peterjgrainger/action-create-branch from 2.0.1 to 2.2.0
- Ignore the Documentation folder in the trigger configuration of the following workflows: import-solution-to-validation, powershell-analysis and solution-quality-check-on-pr
- Reusable workflows below for actions sequences previously duplicated in different workflows:
- create-dataverse-environment: for the creation of just-in-time (development and build) environments
- build-managed-solution: for the build of a managed solution using a just-in-time build environment (pack and import as unmanaged and export as managed)
- import-solution for the import of a solution, the activation of cloud flows and the sharing of canvas apps
- New-DataverseEnvironment PowerShell script for the creation of Dataverse environments with configuration of an Azure AD Security Group to secure the access to the environment and a description
- Composite action run-import-solutions to execute the import-solution-to-dev workflow on a list of solutions using the GitHub CLI
- Manually triggered workflow import-solution-to-dev for the import of an unmanaged solution to a development environment (pack solution as unmanaged then import it)
- Composite action set-canvasapps-instrumentation-key to be able to set an Azure Application Insights instrumentation key using a value stored in the considered custom deployment settings file in canvas apps by updating the
file in the canvas apps source code before the solution pack step - Dependabot configuration to automate GitHub actions version update (monitoring and pull requests creation)
- Add-Solution documentation page about adding a new solution to the repository
- ALM-Strategy documentation page about the ALM strategy proposed in this repository
- Integration of the reusable workflows added to the repository in the existing workflows
- To be able to manage multiple solutions,
- Steps added to get the solutions in the repository and call the run-import-solutions composite action in the workspace-initialization workflow
- Step added in the solution-quality-check-on-pr and import-solution-to-validation workflows to idenfity the changed solution - ⚠ For now, only one solution can be updated in each development cycle
- Input added in the create-deploy-release workflow to trigger a release for a unique identified solution
- Configuration of a description for the just-in-time Dataverse Development environment in
of the workspace-initialization workflow - Get the updated solution and configuration of a description for the just-in-time Dataverse Build environment in
of the following workflows: import-solution-to-validation and solution-quality-check-on-pr - Get global configurations and configuration of a description for the just-in-time Dataverse Build environment in
of the create-deploy-release workflow - Update of global configurations in Configurations/configurations.json and get-configurations:
(configuration updated - previously 'environment.languageDisplayName')environment.developmentEnvironment.descriptionBase
(default value updated)powerAppsMakerPortalBaseUrl
(default value updated)maximumTriesForCloudFlowsActivation
- Reorganization of the solution-quality-check-on-pr to be able to take advantage of some of the new reusable workflows (create-dataverse-environment and build-managed-solution)
- Configuration of concurrency in all the workflows to take advantage of the out-of-the-box GitHub capability
- Update the years range considered in the Copyright in the header of the different code files in the repository
- Custom-Deployment-Settings-File-Management documentation page updated regarding a change of format to be able to manage Azure Application Insights instrumentation key update in canvas apps during solution pack phase
- Grant-GroupsAccessToCanvasApps updated regarding the path to consider to find the required information in the custom deployment settings file for the sharing of canvas apps
- Repository-Content documentation page updated regarding all the changes in this version
- Repository-Setup documentation page updated:
- 2 environment secrets in place of action secrets
- Updates in the Configurations/configurations.json global configuration file
0.3.0 - 2022-03-25
"Industrialize" our development flow for this repository template 🤖
- Manage pac/ folder in .gitignore file to ignore it during commits and remove the line that was handling this task from the export-and-unpack-solution workflow
- Run microsoft/powerplatform-actions/import-solution action asynchronously with a maximum wait time of 10 minutes in all workflows where this action is used
- Correction of PowerShell scripts to remediate code scanning alerts
- workspace-initialization-when-issue-assigned workflow renamed workspace-initialization (simplification)
- Add filter on paths to the trigger of the solution-quality-check-on-pr workflow
- Composite action get-configurations localized to the repository to extract configurations used in workflows from a JSON file
- Global configuration file (JSON) that contains information used in the workflows like the details of the Dataverse environments we create - multiple configurations where moved to this file during the work on the 0.3.0 version (details)
- PowerShell script Add-AADSecurityGroupTeamToDataverseEnvironment.ps1 for the creation of a security group team associated to an Azure AD security group in a Dataverse environment and the assignation of a security role
- URL to the Solutions page of the Power Apps maker portal in the context of the new Dataverse Dev environment in the workspace-initialization workflow
- Documentation folder with one markdown file per topic and with each file referenced in the file
- a guide for the initialization of a repsitory from this repository template
- a guide to manage custom deployment settings file for canvas apps sharing the Azure AD security groups
- a list of the elements in this repository
- Generation of a deployment settings file from the exported solution added to the export-and-unpack-solution workflow
- Include the deployment settings file associated to the considered environment in the microsoft/powerplatform-actions/import-solution action in the following workflows: create-deploy-release and import-solution-to-validation
- Calls to Update-ConnectionReferences.ps1 PowerShell script removed from the following workflows: create-deploy-release and import-solution-to-validation
- All workflows to used the composite action get-configurations localized to the repository to get the configurations they need
- Configuration folder renamed Configurations
- References to GitHub secrets replaced by configurations in the configuration file (JSON) removed from the file
- Creation of a user in the Dataverse environment replaced by the creation of a security group team in the workspace-initialization workflow
- Update paths considered in the trigger of the import-solution-to-validation and solution-quality-check-on-pr workflows
- Use the environment-url output of the microsoft/powerplatform-actions/create-environment action in the following workflows: create-deploy-release, import-solution-to-validation and solution-quality-check-on-pr
- Reorganization of the file:
- 🚀 Features section removed
- 📢 What is the PowerPlatform-ALM-With-GitHub-Template project? and 🚀 Goals sections added
✈️ How to use this repository template? section removed (replaced by a dedicated documentation page)- 📖 Documentation section added
- Small updates in the existing sections
- Small updates in the file
- Disabled blank issue in the configuration file for the issue in this repository
- In the create-deploy-release workflow:
- Example of the expected format for the solution_base_version input added to the description
- Update of the release version format to be compliant with the semantic versioning
- Update-ConnectionReferences.ps1 PowerShell script deleted because replaced by deployment settings files management in the workflows
- ConnectionsMapping-%.json files removed because replaced by deployment settings files management in the workflows
- Configuration/PowerPlatformALMWithGitHub folder deleted - it was forgotten during the cleaning of the elements related the demo solution in version 0.2.0
0.2.0 - 2021-10-19
Improve the GitHub workflows proposed in this repository template 🤩
- This Changelog 😋
- Issue form for bugs
- Template chooser for issues
- Configuration files examples:
- CanvasAppsGroupsAccessMapping.json: for granting access to canvas apps to Azure AD groups
- ConnectionsMapping-....json: for the mapping between a connection reference in the solution and the id of a connection in the targeted environment (one by environment where you want to apply this configuration)
- PowerShell scripts:
- Add-UserToDataverseEnvironment.ps1: to add and configure a user in a Dataverse environment
- Enable-CloudFlows.ps1: to turn on cloud flows in the solution
- Grant-GroupsAccessToCanvasApps.ps1: to grant access to canvas apps to Azure AD groups
- Update-ConnectionReferences.ps1: to update connection references adding a connection to it
- GitHub workflow for PowerShell code analysis
- Update the and added some gifs to explain how to configure the GitHub repository template
- Update of the based on the latest version of the Contributor Covenant
- Update of the guide
- Pull request template moved in ".github" folder
- Copyright and MIT license added at the top of each GitHub workflow and each PowerShell script
- References to "Power Apps" in variables / comments replaces by "Dataverse" - I personnaly find this notion more appropriate
- GitHub hosted runner type update to ubuntu-latest for every job where it was an option
- Make some variables reusable in workflows by setting them only once (ex:
echo "NOW=$(date +'%Y%m%d')" >> $Env:GITHUB_ENV
) - Update of the version of the actions from microsoft/powerplatform-actions repository
v0.1.8 --> main
- Connection using a service principal in actions from microsoft/powerplatform-actions repository
- Power Platform environment configuration details (location, sku, currency name and language code) moved from variables to GitHub secret to centralize the information
- Creation of Power Platform environments using the create-environment action
- Deletion of Power Platform environments using the delete-environment action
- export-and-unpack-solution.yml
- Publish of the solution before the export
- Set solution version (Other\Solution.xml) to a default value (1.0.0)
- Unpack of canvas apps using Microsoft.PowerApps.CLI
- Format JSON files (cloud flows) so they are easier to read in source control
- Delete exported solution in packed format
- Commit and push to development branch not using the branch-solution action for a better flexibility
- build-managed-solution job in the following workflows: workspace-initialization-when-issue-assigned.yml, solution-quality-check-on-pr.yml, import-solution-to-validation.yml and create-deploy-release.yml
- Flatten JSON files (cloud flows) before solution packing
- Pack canvas apps using Microsoft.PowerApps.CLI before solution packing
- Set solution version (Other\Solution.xml)
- import-solution-to-... job in the following workflows: import-solution-to-validation.yml and create-deploy-release.yml
- Configure connection references with existing connections based on a mapping in a configuration file
- Enable cloud flows in the imported solution
- Grant access to canvas apps to Azure AD groups based on a mapping in a configuration file
- solution-quality-check-on-pr.yml
- Flatten JSON files (cloud flows) and pack canvas apps using Microsoft.PowerApps.CLI before solution packing
- Connection to the Microsoft.PowerApps.Checker.PowerShell PowerShell module using a service principal
- workspace-initialization-when-issue-assigned.yml
- New trigger for specific label addedd to an issue (by default the considered label is 'in progress')
- New "pre-job" to avoid duplicate run of the GitHub workflow (in the case where you assign an issue and add the considered label at the same time)
- New comments to the issue when the branch is created, when the Dataverse Dev environment is created and when the solution is imported
- Add a label to the issue when the Dataverse Dev environment is created (by default the labe is 'dev env created')
- New job to add a user (user email configured as a GitHub secret) as System Administrator to the Dataverse Dev environment using a PowerShell script
- New step in the import-solution-to-dev-environment job to check if a solution exists in the repositoy
- Flatten JSON files (cloud flows) and pack canvas apps using Microsoft.PowerApps.CLI before solution packing
- Set solution version (Other\Solution.xml)
- clean-dev-workspace-when-issue-closed-or-deleted.yml (renamed - 'delete-powerapps-dev-environment-when-issue-closed.yml')
- Delete branch for development if it exists
- Add a condition for the delete-dataverse-dev-environment job: issue not deleted and with the 'dev env created' label
- Remove 'dev env created' label on the issue if closed
- Add a comment to the issue when the Dataverse Dev environment is deleted
- create-deploy-release.yml (renamed - 'create-github-release.yml')
- Create a release branch, then a GitHub release (through a just-in-time Dataverse Build environment) and finally deploy the managed solution to a production environment
- The GitHub release is created as a draft and publish only after a successfull deployment to a production environment
- If an error occurs during the pack of the solution as managed (through a just-in-time Dataverse Build environment), the release branch will be deleted
- import-solution-to-validation.yml (renamed - 'import-solution-to-qa.yml')
- Issue template for bugs (replaced by issue form)
- Solution used for the tests to make the repository a bit cleaner
0.1.0 - 2020-12-22
Initialize this repository template to make Power Platform ALM with GitHub a little bit easier 😊
- Core files of the repository:, LICENSE, and
- AllContributors GitHub app
- Issue and pull request templates
- Sample of Power Platform solution used for the tests
- GitHub workflow for the initialization of a workspace for Power Platform development (branch, environment and solution import)
- GitHub workflow for the export and unpack of a Power Platform solution in the context of Power Platform development
- GitHub workflow for the execution of the solution checker on a Power Platform solution and the build (unmanaged to managed) of the solution with a Just-In-Time (JIT) environment in the context of a pull request
- GitHub workflow for the deletion of the development Power Platform environment when the associated issue is closed or deleted
- GitHub workflow for the deployment of a Power Platform solution to a QA environment after a build with a JIT environment on a push to the main branch
- GitHub workflow for the creation of a GitHub release for a Power Platform managed solution (build with a JIT environment)