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File metadata and controls

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This project is an application skeleton for a typical spring boot web app that is built with gradle. You can use it to quickly bootstrap your webapp projects and dev environment for these projects. The seed contains a sample spring boot application exposing http resources on port 8080.

The seed app doesn't do much, by default it is listening on path /hello and returns a String value.

Getting Started

To get you started you can simply clone repository and run ./gradlew bootRun to start server. Gradle and spring will start with downloading dependencies.

Setting up openshift projects

Let's start our local Openshift cluster oc cluster up. Log in as developer in to the Web Console and CLI. Links and instructions are provided by oc cluster up command. Create development project for demo:

oc new-project contacts-dev

Demo database (NoSQL, Mongodb)

Create new mongodb-ephemeral from template. It will create mongodb app in contacts-dev

oc new-app -p MONGODB_DATABASE=sampledb -p MONGODB_USER=sadhal -p MONGODB_PASSWORD=sadhal -n contacts-dev
oc rollout latest mongodb

Demo back end app (Java 8, Gradle, REST, Spring)

Create new RESTful API backed up by Springboot.

oc new-app jorgemoralespou/s2i-java~

Demo frontend app (Angularjs, Nodejs)

Create new angularjs app backed up by nodejs

oc new-app -p DEBUG="contacts-fe,express* node server.js" -p LOG_LEVEL=verbose
oc expose svc mean-contactlist

Setting up Q&A and CI/CD projects

Create projects:

oc new-project contacts-test
oc new-project jenkins

Create Jenkins and SonarQube with Postgresql

We will use template file which describes configuration objects for Jenkins, SonarQube and Postgresql.

oc process -f | oc create -f -

Or, create jenkins only

Enter the jenkins project from Web Console. Add to project - jenkins pipeline. Even ephemeral works for this demo. Or from CLI:

oc new-app --template=jenkins-ephemeral -n jenkins

Expose Jenkins and SonarQube services to the world outside our cluster

oc expose svc jenkins sonarqube

Create our back end demo app in Q&A in order to show CI/CD pipeline

oc project contacts-test
oc new-app jorgemoralespou/s2i-java~

Set policies through roles

Log in as system:admin in CLI in order to edit user policies for jenkins:

oc login -u system:admin
oc adm policy add-role-to-user edit system:serviceaccount:jenkins:jenkins -n contacts-dev
oc adm policy add-role-to-user edit system:serviceaccount:jenkins:jenkins -n contacts-test
oc login -u developer -p developer

Create jenkins pipeline through CLI (for oc ver >= 1.5)

oc project jenkins
oc new-app --strategy=pipeline --context-dir='pipeline/cd' --name gradlespringboot-pipeline-cd

Or, create jenkins pipeline manually (for oc ver < 1.5)

In Web Console, jenkins project, click on Add to Project -> Import YAML/JSON -> choose file pipelines/cd/BuildConfig -> Create


Latest openshift origin CLI client (>= 1.4), docker (>= 1.12) and virtualization enabled.