This eyedropper does not just pick color from an image, but it helps picking color from whole web page. It provides a magnifier which on hover of webpage elements, shows the elements in pixelated form inside it. On clicking on a pixelated block it the color is picked.
This eye dropper exposes an EyeDropper component which takes following props:
- pixelateValue - (Optional) A number which decides the mount of pixelation. Higher the number, bigger pixelated blocks. By default it is set to 6.
- magnifierSize - (Optional) Height and width of magnifier. Default magnifier size is 150.
- setColor - (Required) A callback whose argument is picked color.
- zoom - (Optional) Amount of zoom applied on webpage when magnifier is hovered. By default it is set to 5.
- areaSelector - (Optional) CSS selector of the element, only on which eydropper will be visible. By default this is
. - loader - (Optional) Since the canvas generation may take sometime, a loader element can be shown in place of actual eye dropper.
<EyeDropper setColor={(hex:string) => console.log(hex)}>
<button className="btn">Eye Dropper</button>