This collection features a variety of packages to help ROS users get the Parrot Bebop drone flying quickly. These examples rely on the bebop_autonomy package which acts as the driver for the robot. The entire repository should be cloned to ~/catkin_ws/src
. To do so, navigate to ~/catkin_ws/src
and from a terminal and enter: git clone
. Then, navigate to ~/catkin_ws
and compile the code with the command: catkin_make
. If you are installing ROS for the first time, see the instructions here. This version has been created using the Bebop 2, ROS Kinetic, and Ubuntu 16.04.
The listed examples depend on the following external packages:
A detailed description of the correct installation of the Bebop driver can be found here.
Next, the entire repository should be cloned to ~/catkin_ws/src
by entering the command git clone
and compile the code with catkin_make
This program performs a simple takeoff, keeps the drone in hover mode 1 meter above the takeoff point for a few seconds, and then lands. For that, in a terminal run the driver:
roslaunch bebop_driver bebop_node.launch
In a new terminal execute the takeoff and land node:
roslaunch bebop_takeoff_land bebop_takeoff_land.launch
This package allows us to control the Bebop drone with the Logitech F710 gamepad. This program depends on the joy node which enables the use of the gamepad with ROS.
roslaunch bebop_driver bebop_node.launch
roslaunch bebop_teleop_joy bebop_teleop_joy.launch
This program subscribes to the /bebop/odom
topic data published by the Bebop and populate a nav_msgs/Path
message for further visualization in Rviz.
roslaunch bebop_driver bebop_node.launch
roslaunch bebop_teleop_joy bebop_teleop_joy.launch
roslaunch bebop_odometry_example bebop_odometry_example.launch
roslaunch bebop_driver bebop_node.launch
roslaunch bebop_teleop_joy bebop_teleop_joy.launch
roslaunch bebop_gps_example bebop_gps_example.launch
roslaunch bebop_driver bebop_node.launch
roslaunch bebop_teleop_joy bebop_teleop_joy.launch
roslaunch bebop_control_inputs bebop_control_inputs.launch