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[{"commitID":"0fbcb87","commitData":[{"chunknum":0,"startline":1,"endline":6,"edit":["+Acknowledgements\r","+\r","+We would like to give gratitude to everyone who has been involved with the development and the success of this project and thank them for their assistance throughout the entire period of this project. {Name of Advisor}, our senior project adviisor, {Name of Co-Ad}, our Co-advisor. We would also like to thank the Faculty of Information and Communication Technology, instructors, staff, members for the support given to us. Lastly, we would also like to thank our families for giving us support while making this project.\r","+\r","+The project would not have been this sucessful without those mentioned and their support that was offered.","\\ No newline at end of file"]},{"chunknum":0,"startline":1,"endline":6,"edit":["+A software for Code Idiom Detection in Python\r","+\r","+Abstract\r","+In the present days, software has been one of the main focus for Thailand 4.0 with the aim to integrate Technology and Industrailization together. In this field their are many programming languages that are being used and each language has it's own unique format called coding idioms. For example in Object oriented programming wihch uses Java some of the coding idioms would not be applicable with Python. With programmers switching programming languages there might be some unfamiliarities wihch would cause the program to drop in quality, or not be usable at all.\r","+With the problems stated above, the development team has the idea of a software that would help in checking the quality and development of python programming, with the software name being \"Teddy\". Teddy would be able to help programmers detect coding idioms within the program. This would eventually let the programmers understand more about Pythonic Idiom and it would also help in the learning of the language.[1]\r"]},{"chunknum":0,"startline":1,"endline":3,"edit":["+Lit review intro\r","+With the project aiming to create a software for detecting and analysing the usage of pythonic idioms, the understanding of each topics related to the software development is needed. This chapter will discuss the topics related to the project, which would also include minor topics, researches and tools that is used within the software.","\\ No newline at end of file"]},{"chunknum":0,"startline":1,"endline":5,"edit":["+Lit Rev.\r","+Toxic code snippet.\r","+With software development becoming used in many fields, it made coding become more reliant on the usage of online platforms, such as Stack Overflow[x]. The code snippets that are found on such platforms are considred by many to be usable, but in reality there are many flaws,outdated methods or even licensing problems wihtin it [x]. These outdated or codes with flaws are called toxic code snippets.\r","+Toxic code snippets are commonly seen posted in online forums, mostly in the commonly used platform Stack Overflow. With the most of these snippets not comming directly from Stack Overflow, but coppied from other locations such as an open source software[x]. Even when there are many toxic code snippets located in Stack Overflow and it is considered to be dangerous to use, users themselves aknowlage it's existence and are aware of these snippets [x].xx","\\ No newline at end of file"]},{"chunknum":0,"startline":1,"endline":7,"edit":["+Motivation\r","+\r","+Nowadays, Python is one of the most used programming languages which are use world wide[2]. This includes the new programmers learning the language and the ones transitioning to Python. But with some of those that are transitioning to Python they would have the chance of using methods that are normal in their old programming but unortandox in Python programming. When programmers use Python language and not Pythonic Idioms, it would cause the program to have problematic flaws and sometimes unefficient to use. Such as the usage of f = open('file.txt') and f.close(), These commands within the program would cause problems when programmers forget the to add in f.close(), thus the Pythonic Idiom would be with open() as f: instead.\r","+Also with in the software development cycle, using pythonic idioms within the development phase would give the code reviewers a better understanding of the program and a more smooth work flow. This is because most reviwers would be used to the usage of pythonic idioms. That would be the reason that if a helper for Pythonic idiom was created there would be a higher quality of codes being used.\r","+With the reasonings above, we have had the idea of creating \"Teddy\" as a software that would help in the detection and prevention of pythonic idiom in source codes. The users of the software would be able to check their code quality in terms of pythonic idioms and it would also help the new programmers to learn and understand what their flaws are when using python as a programming language.\r","+We as the developers of \"Teddy\" believe that \"Teddy\" can enhance the standards for python language and give the developers in Thailand more understanding of Python, which is a world wide programming language.","\\ No newline at end of file"]},{"chunknum":0,"startline":1,"endline":4,"edit":["+Objectives\r","+\r","+This project aims to create a software that detects Pythonic idioms with high accuracy in both detecting and analyzing coding idioms. The software is aimed to be used with an online source called \"GitHub\". The software would be able to show and simulate the pythonic idioms with a graphical interface for the users.","\\ No newline at end of file"]},{"chunknum":0,"startline":1,"endline":7,"edit":["+Problem Statement\r","+Currently coding with python if not used with Pythonic idiom would casue the following.\r","+- a lower quality of program, by not using pythonic idiom more resource may be allocated than usual\r","+- Codes will have flaws, without using pythonic idiom some important parts of the codes maybe forgotten and makes the software incomplete\r","+- Code reviews take longer and more tedious, code reviwers that are used to pythonic idiom would take more time to review the codes.\r","+By having a software that handles pytonic idioms, codes used within a program would be using the same format and give other developers the same understanding of the code written.","\\ No newline at end of file"]},{"chunknum":0,"startline":1,"endline":5,"edit":["+Scope\r","+- A software that allows users to detect pythonic idioms within a source code and with an automatic response.\r","+- Interact with GitHub through the software interface\r","+- Source code analysis System that is able to be integrated with GitHub and provide a full analysis report ","\\ No newline at end of file"]},{"chunknum":0,"startline":1,"endline":4,"edit":["+Target Users\r","+\r","+The project would provide numerious benefits to the programming field. Thus our first target users would be studnets learning the programming language. Second would be teachers checking students in their use of python language. And lastly, code reviewers in the online community.","\\ No newline at end of file"]}]},{"commitID":"680360c","commitData":[{"chunknum":0,"startline":1,"endline":6,"edit":["+Acknowledgements\r","+\r","+We would like to give gratitude to everyone who has been involved with the development and the success of this project and thank them for their assistance throughout the entire period of this project. {Name of Advisor}, our senior project adviisor, {Name of Co-Ad}, our Co-advisor. We would also like to thank the Faculty of Information and Communication Technology, instructors, staff, members for the support given to us. Lastly, we would also like to thank our families for giving us support while making this project.\r","+\r","+The project would not have been this sucessful without those mentioned and their support that was offered.","\\ No newline at end of file"]},{"chunknum":0,"startline":1,"endline":6,"edit":["+A software for Code Idiom Detection in Python\r","+\r","+Abstract\r","+In the present days, software has been one of the main focus for Thailand 4.0 with the aim to integrate Technology and Industrailization together. In this field their are many programming languages that are being used and each language has it's own unique format called coding idioms. For example in Object oriented programming wihch uses Java some of the coding idioms would not be applicable with Python. With programmers switching programming languages there might be some unfamiliarities wihch would cause the program to drop in quality, or not be usable at all.\r","+With the problems stated above, the development team has the idea of a software that would help in checking the quality and development of python programming, with the software name being \"Teddy\". Teddy would be able to help programmers detect coding idioms within the program. This would eventually let the programmers understand more about Pythonic Idiom and it would also help in the learning of the language.[1]\r"]},{"chunknum":0,"startline":1,"endline":3,"edit":["+Lit review intro\r","+With the project aiming to create a software for detecting and analysing the usage of pythonic idioms, the understanding of each topics related to the software development is needed. This chapter will discuss the topics related to the project, which would also include minor topics, researches and tools that is used within the software.","\\ No newline at end of file"]},{"chunknum":0,"startline":1,"endline":5,"edit":["+Lit Rev.\r","+Toxic code snippet.\r","+With software development becoming used in many fields, it made coding become more reliant on the usage of online platforms, such as Stack Overflow[x]. The code snippets that are found on such platforms are considred by many to be usable, but in reality there are many flaws,outdated methods or even licensing problems wihtin it [x]. These outdated or codes with flaws are called toxic code snippets.\r","+Toxic code snippets are commonly seen posted in online forums, mostly in the commonly used platform Stack Overflow. With the most of these snippets not comming directly from Stack Overflow, but coppied from other locations such as an open source software[x]. Even when there are many toxic code snippets located in Stack Overflow and it is considered to be dangerous to use, users themselves aknowlage it's existence and are aware of these snippets [x].xx","\\ No newline at end of file"]},{"chunknum":0,"startline":1,"endline":7,"edit":["+Motivation\r","+\r","+Nowadays, Python is one of the most used programming languages which are use world wide[2]. This includes the new programmers learning the language and the ones transitioning to Python. But with some of those that are transitioning to Python they would have the chance of using methods that are normal in their old programming but unortandox in Python programming. When programmers use Python language and not Pythonic Idioms, it would cause the program to have problematic flaws and sometimes unefficient to use. Such as the usage of f = open('file.txt') and f.close(), These commands within the program would cause problems when programmers forget the to add in f.close(), thus the Pythonic Idiom would be with open() as f: instead.\r","+Also with in the software development cycle, using pythonic idioms within the development phase would give the code reviewers a better understanding of the program and a more smooth work flow. This is because most reviwers would be used to the usage of pythonic idioms. That would be the reason that if a helper for Pythonic idiom was created there would be a higher quality of codes being used.\r","+With the reasonings above, we have had the idea of creating \"Teddy\" as a software that would help in the detection and prevention of pythonic idiom in source codes. The users of the software would be able to check their code quality in terms of pythonic idioms and it would also help the new programmers to learn and understand what their flaws are when using python as a programming language.\r","+We as the developers of \"Teddy\" believe that \"Teddy\" can enhance the standards for python language and give the developers in Thailand more understanding of Python, which is a world wide programming language.","\\ No newline at end of file"]},{"chunknum":0,"startline":1,"endline":4,"edit":["+Objectives\r","+\r","+This project aims to create a software that detects Pythonic idioms with high accuracy in both detecting and analyzing coding idioms. The software is aimed to be used with an online source called \"GitHub\". The software would be able to show and simulate the pythonic idioms with a graphical interface for the users.","\\ No newline at end of file"]},{"chunknum":0,"startline":1,"endline":7,"edit":["+Problem Statement\r","+Currently coding with python if not used with Pythonic idiom would casue the following.\r","+- a lower quality of program, by not using pythonic idiom more resource may be allocated than usual\r","+- Codes will have flaws, without using pythonic idiom some important parts of the codes maybe forgotten and makes the software incomplete\r","+- Code reviews take longer and more tedious, code reviwers that are used to pythonic idiom would take more time to review the codes.\r","+By having a software that handles pytonic idioms, codes used within a program would be using the same format and give other developers the same understanding of the code written.","\\ No newline at end of file"]},{"chunknum":0,"startline":1,"endline":5,"edit":["+Scope\r","+- A software that allows users to detect pythonic idioms within a source code and with an automatic response.\r","+- Interact with GitHub through the software interface\r","+- Source code analysis System that is able to be integrated with GitHub and provide a full analysis report ","\\ No newline at end of file"]},{"chunknum":0,"startline":1,"endline":4,"edit":["+Target Users\r","+\r","+The project would provide numerious benefits to the programming field. Thus our first target users would be studnets learning the programming language. Second would be teachers checking students in their use of python language. And lastly, code reviewers in the online community.","\\ No newline at end of file"]}]},{"commitID":"df963d9","commitData":[{"chunknum":0,"startline":1,"endline":6,"edit":["+Acknowledgements\r","+\r","+We would like to give gratitude to everyone who has been involved with the development and the success of this project and thank them for their assistance throughout the entire period of this project. {Name of Advisor}, our senior project adviisor, {Name of Co-Ad}, our Co-advisor. We would also like to thank the Faculty of Information and Communication Technology, instructors, staff, members for the support given to us. Lastly, we would also like to thank our families for giving us support while making this project.\r","+\r","+The project would not have been this sucessful without those mentioned and their support that was offered.","\\ No newline at end of file"]},{"chunknum":0,"startline":1,"endline":6,"edit":["+A software for Code Idiom Detection in Python\r","+\r","+Abstract\r","+In the present days, software has been one of the main focus for Thailand 4.0 with the aim to integrate Technology and Industrailization together. In this field their are many programming languages that are being used and each language has it's own unique format called coding idioms. For example in Object oriented programming wihch uses Java some of the coding idioms would not be applicable with Python. With programmers switching programming languages there might be some unfamiliarities wihch would cause the program to drop in quality, or not be usable at all.\r","+With the problems stated above, the development team has the idea of a software that would help in checking the quality and development of python programming, with the software name being \"Teddy\". Teddy would be able to help programmers detect coding idioms within the program. This would eventually let the programmers understand more about Pythonic Idiom and it would also help in the learning of the language.[1]\r"]},{"chunknum":0,"startline":1,"endline":3,"edit":["+Lit review intro\r","+With the project aiming to create a software for detecting and analysing the usage of pythonic idioms, the understanding of each topics related to the software development is needed. This chapter will discuss the topics related to the project, which would also include minor topics, researches and tools that is used within the software.","\\ No newline at end of file"]},{"chunknum":0,"startline":1,"endline":5,"edit":["+Lit Rev.\r","+Toxic code snippet.\r","+With software development becoming used in many fields, it made coding become more reliant on the usage of online platforms, such as Stack Overflow[x]. The code snippets that are found on such platforms are considred by many to be usable, but in reality there are many flaws,outdated methods or even licensing problems wihtin it [x]. These outdated or codes with flaws are called toxic code snippets.\r","+Toxic code snippets are commonly seen posted in online forums, mostly in the commonly used platform Stack Overflow. With the most of these snippets not comming directly from Stack Overflow, but coppied from other locations such as an open source software[x]. Even when there are many toxic code snippets located in Stack Overflow and it is considered to be dangerous to use, users themselves aknowlage it's existence and are aware of these snippets [x].xx","\\ No newline at end of file"]},{"chunknum":0,"startline":1,"endline":7,"edit":["+Motivation\r","+\r","+Nowadays, Python is one of the most used programming languages which are use world wide[2]. This includes the new programmers learning the language and the ones transitioning to Python. But with some of those that are transitioning to Python they would have the chance of using methods that are normal in their old programming but unortandox in Python programming. When programmers use Python language and not Pythonic Idioms, it would cause the program to have problematic flaws and sometimes unefficient to use. Such as the usage of f = open('file.txt') and f.close(), These commands within the program would cause problems when programmers forget the to add in f.close(), thus the Pythonic Idiom would be with open() as f: instead.\r","+Also with in the software development cycle, using pythonic idioms within the development phase would give the code reviewers a better understanding of the program and a more smooth work flow. This is because most reviwers would be used to the usage of pythonic idioms. That would be the reason that if a helper for Pythonic idiom was created there would be a higher quality of codes being used.\r","+With the reasonings above, we have had the idea of creating \"Teddy\" as a software that would help in the detection and prevention of pythonic idiom in source codes. The users of the software would be able to check their code quality in terms of pythonic idioms and it would also help the new programmers to learn and understand what their flaws are when using python as a programming language.\r","+We as the developers of \"Teddy\" believe that \"Teddy\" can enhance the standards for python language and give the developers in Thailand more understanding of Python, which is a world wide programming language.","\\ No newline at end of file"]},{"chunknum":0,"startline":1,"endline":4,"edit":["+Objectives\r","+\r","+This project aims to create a software that detects Pythonic idioms with high accuracy in both detecting and analyzing coding idioms. The software is aimed to be used with an online source called \"GitHub\". The software would be able to show and simulate the pythonic idioms with a graphical interface for the users.","\\ No newline at end of file"]},{"chunknum":0,"startline":1,"endline":7,"edit":["+Problem Statement\r","+Currently coding with python if not used with Pythonic idiom would casue the following.\r","+- a lower quality of program, by not using pythonic idiom more resource may be allocated than usual\r","+- Codes will have flaws, without using pythonic idiom some important parts of the codes maybe forgotten and makes the software incomplete\r","+- Code reviews take longer and more tedious, code reviwers that are used to pythonic idiom would take more time to review the codes.\r","+By having a software that handles pytonic idioms, codes used within a program would be using the same format and give other developers the same understanding of the code written.","\\ No newline at end of file"]},{"chunknum":0,"startline":1,"endline":5,"edit":["+Scope\r","+- A software that allows users to detect pythonic idioms within a source code and with an automatic response.\r","+- Interact with GitHub through the software interface\r","+- Source code analysis System that is able to be integrated with GitHub and provide a full analysis report ","\\ No newline at end of file"]},{"chunknum":0,"startline":1,"endline":4,"edit":["+Target Users\r","+\r","+The project would provide numerious benefits to the programming field. Thus our first target users would be studnets learning the programming language. Second would be teachers checking students in their use of python language. And lastly, code reviewers in the online community.","\\ No newline at end of file"]}]},{"commitID":"2506bdd","commitData":[{"chunknum":0,"startline":1,"endline":6,"edit":["+Acknowledgements\r","+\r","+We would like to give gratitude to everyone who has been involved with the development and the success of this project and thank them for their assistance throughout the entire period of this project. {Name of Advisor}, our senior project adviisor, {Name of Co-Ad}, our Co-advisor. We would also like to thank the Faculty of Information and Communication Technology, instructors, staff, members for the support given to us. Lastly, we would also like to thank our families for giving us support while making this project.\r","+\r","+The project would not have been this sucessful without those mentioned and their support that was offered.","\\ No newline at end of file"]},{"chunknum":0,"startline":1,"endline":6,"edit":["+A software for Code Idiom Detection in Python\r","+\r","+Abstract\r","+In the present days, software has been one of the main focus for Thailand 4.0 with the aim to integrate Technology and Industrailization together. In this field their are many programming languages that are being used and each language has it's own unique format called coding idioms. For example in Object oriented programming wihch uses Java some of the coding idioms would not be applicable with Python. With programmers switching programming languages there might be some unfamiliarities wihch would cause the program to drop in quality, or not be usable at all.\r","+With the problems stated above, the development team has the idea of a software that would help in checking the quality and development of python programming, with the software name being \"Teddy\". Teddy would be able to help programmers detect coding idioms within the program. This would eventually let the programmers understand more about Pythonic Idiom and it would also help in the learning of the language.[1]\r"]},{"chunknum":0,"startline":1,"endline":3,"edit":["+Lit review intro\r","+With the project aiming to create a software for detecting and analysing the usage of pythonic idioms, the understanding of each topics related to the software development is needed. This chapter will discuss the topics related to the project, which would also include minor topics, researches and tools that is used within the software.","\\ No newline at end of file"]},{"chunknum":0,"startline":1,"endline":5,"edit":["+Lit Rev.\r","+Toxic code snippet.\r","+With software development becoming used in many fields, it made coding become more reliant on the usage of online platforms, such as Stack Overflow[x]. The code snippets that are found on such platforms are considred by many to be usable, but in reality there are many flaws,outdated methods or even licensing problems wihtin it [x]. These outdated or codes with flaws are called toxic code snippets.\r","+Toxic code snippets are commonly seen posted in online forums, mostly in the commonly used platform Stack Overflow. With the most of these snippets not comming directly from Stack Overflow, but coppied from other locations such as an open source software[x]. Even when there are many toxic code snippets located in Stack Overflow and it is considered to be dangerous to use, users themselves aknowlage it's existence and are aware of these snippets [x].xx","\\ No newline at end of file"]},{"chunknum":0,"startline":1,"endline":7,"edit":["+Motivation\r","+\r","+Nowadays, Python is one of the most used programming languages which are use world wide[2]. This includes the new programmers learning the language and the ones transitioning to Python. But with some of those that are transitioning to Python they would have the chance of using methods that are normal in their old programming but unortandox in Python programming. When programmers use Python language and not Pythonic Idioms, it would cause the program to have problematic flaws and sometimes unefficient to use. Such as the usage of f = open('file.txt') and f.close(), These commands within the program would cause problems when programmers forget the to add in f.close(), thus the Pythonic Idiom would be with open() as f: instead.\r","+Also with in the software development cycle, using pythonic idioms within the development phase would give the code reviewers a better understanding of the program and a more smooth work flow. This is because most reviwers would be used to the usage of pythonic idioms. That would be the reason that if a helper for Pythonic idiom was created there would be a higher quality of codes being used.\r","+With the reasonings above, we have had the idea of creating \"Teddy\" as a software that would help in the detection and prevention of pythonic idiom in source codes. The users of the software would be able to check their code quality in terms of pythonic idioms and it would also help the new programmers to learn and understand what their flaws are when using python as a programming language.\r","+We as the developers of \"Teddy\" believe that \"Teddy\" can enhance the standards for python language and give the developers in Thailand more understanding of Python, which is a world wide programming language.","\\ No newline at end of file"]},{"chunknum":0,"startline":1,"endline":4,"edit":["+Objectives\r","+\r","+This project aims to create a software that detects Pythonic idioms with high accuracy in both detecting and analyzing coding idioms. The software is aimed to be used with an online source called \"GitHub\". The software would be able to show and simulate the pythonic idioms with a graphical interface for the users.","\\ No newline at end of file"]},{"chunknum":0,"startline":1,"endline":7,"edit":["+Problem Statement\r","+Currently coding with python if not used with Pythonic idiom would casue the following.\r","+- a lower quality of program, by not using pythonic idiom more resource may be allocated than usual\r","+- Codes will have flaws, without using pythonic idiom some important parts of the codes maybe forgotten and makes the software incomplete\r","+- Code reviews take longer and more tedious, code reviwers that are used to pythonic idiom would take more time to review the codes.\r","+By having a software that handles pytonic idioms, codes used within a program would be using the same format and give other developers the same understanding of the code written.","\\ No newline at end of file"]},{"chunknum":0,"startline":1,"endline":5,"edit":["+Scope\r","+- A software that allows users to detect pythonic idioms within a source code and with an automatic response.\r","+- Interact with GitHub through the software interface\r","+- Source code analysis System that is able to be integrated with GitHub and provide a full analysis report ","\\ No newline at end of file"]},{"chunknum":0,"startline":1,"endline":4,"edit":["+Target Users\r","+\r","+The project would provide numerious benefits to the programming field. Thus our first target users would be studnets learning the programming language. Second would be teachers checking students in their use of python language. And lastly, code reviewers in the online community.","\\ No newline at end of file"]}]},{"commitID":"0dc0d26","commitData":[{"chunknum":0,"startline":1,"endline":6,"edit":["+Acknowledgements\r","+\r","+We would like to give gratitude to everyone who has been involved with the development and the success of this project and thank them for their assistance throughout the entire period of this project. {Name of Advisor}, our senior project adviisor, {Name of Co-Ad}, our Co-advisor. We would also like to thank the Faculty of Information and Communication Technology, instructors, staff, members for the support given to us. Lastly, we would also like to thank our families for giving us support while making this project.\r","+\r","+The project would not have been this sucessful without those mentioned and their support that was offered.","\\ No newline at end of file"]},{"chunknum":0,"startline":1,"endline":6,"edit":["+A software for Code Idiom Detection in Python\r","+\r","+Abstract\r","+In the present days, software has been one of the main focus for Thailand 4.0 with the aim to integrate Technology and Industrailization together. In this field their are many programming languages that are being used and each language has it's own unique format called coding idioms. For example in Object oriented programming wihch uses Java some of the coding idioms would not be applicable with Python. With programmers switching programming languages there might be some unfamiliarities wihch would cause the program to drop in quality, or not be usable at all.\r","+With the problems stated above, the development team has the idea of a software that would help in checking the quality and development of python programming, with the software name being \"Teddy\". Teddy would be able to help programmers detect coding idioms within the program. This would eventually let the programmers understand more about Pythonic Idiom and it would also help in the learning of the language.[1]\r"]},{"chunknum":0,"startline":1,"endline":3,"edit":["+Lit review intro\r","+With the project aiming to create a software for detecting and analysing the usage of pythonic idioms, the understanding of each topics related to the software development is needed. This chapter will discuss the topics related to the project, which would also include minor topics, researches and tools that is used within the software.","\\ No newline at end of file"]},{"chunknum":0,"startline":1,"endline":5,"edit":["+Lit Rev.\r","+Toxic code snippet.\r","+With software development becoming used in many fields, it made coding become more reliant on the usage of online platforms, such as Stack Overflow[x]. The code snippets that are found on such platforms are considred by many to be usable, but in reality there are many flaws,outdated methods or even licensing problems wihtin it [x]. These outdated or codes with flaws are called toxic code snippets.\r","+Toxic code snippets are commonly seen posted in online forums, mostly in the commonly used platform Stack Overflow. With the most of these snippets not comming directly from Stack Overflow, but coppied from other locations such as an open source software[x]. Even when there are many toxic code snippets located in Stack Overflow and it is considered to be dangerous to use, users themselves aknowlage it's existence and are aware of these snippets [x].xx","\\ No newline at end of file"]},{"chunknum":0,"startline":1,"endline":7,"edit":["+Motivation\r","+\r","+Nowadays, Python is one of the most used programming languages which are use world wide[2]. This includes the new programmers learning the language and the ones transitioning to Python. But with some of those that are transitioning to Python they would have the chance of using methods that are normal in their old programming but unortandox in Python programming. When programmers use Python language and not Pythonic Idioms, it would cause the program to have problematic flaws and sometimes unefficient to use. Such as the usage of f = open('file.txt') and f.close(), These commands within the program would cause problems when programmers forget the to add in f.close(), thus the Pythonic Idiom would be with open() as f: instead.\r","+Also with in the software development cycle, using pythonic idioms within the development phase would give the code reviewers a better understanding of the program and a more smooth work flow. This is because most reviwers would be used to the usage of pythonic idioms. That would be the reason that if a helper for Pythonic idiom was created there would be a higher quality of codes being used.\r","+With the reasonings above, we have had the idea of creating \"Teddy\" as a software that would help in the detection and prevention of pythonic idiom in source codes. The users of the software would be able to check their code quality in terms of pythonic idioms and it would also help the new programmers to learn and understand what their flaws are when using python as a programming language.\r","+We as the developers of \"Teddy\" believe that \"Teddy\" can enhance the standards for python language and give the developers in Thailand more understanding of Python, which is a world wide programming language.","\\ No newline at end of file"]},{"chunknum":0,"startline":1,"endline":4,"edit":["+Objectives\r","+\r","+This project aims to create a software that detects Pythonic idioms with high accuracy in both detecting and analyzing coding idioms. The software is aimed to be used with an online source called \"GitHub\". The software would be able to show and simulate the pythonic idioms with a graphical interface for the users.","\\ No newline at end of file"]},{"chunknum":0,"startline":1,"endline":7,"edit":["+Problem Statement\r","+Currently coding with python if not used with Pythonic idiom would casue the following.\r","+- a lower quality of program, by not using pythonic idiom more resource may be allocated than usual\r","+- Codes will have flaws, without using pythonic idiom some important parts of the codes maybe forgotten and makes the software incomplete\r","+- Code reviews take longer and more tedious, code reviwers that are used to pythonic idiom would take more time to review the codes.\r","+By having a software that handles pytonic idioms, codes used within a program would be using the same format and give other developers the same understanding of the code written.","\\ No newline at end of file"]},{"chunknum":0,"startline":1,"endline":5,"edit":["+Scope\r","+- A software that allows users to detect pythonic idioms within a source code and with an automatic response.\r","+- Interact with GitHub through the software interface\r","+- Source code analysis System that is able to be integrated with GitHub and provide a full analysis report ","\\ No newline at end of file"]},{"chunknum":0,"startline":1,"endline":4,"edit":["+Target Users\r","+\r","+The project would provide numerious benefits to the programming field. Thus our first target users would be studnets learning the programming language. Second would be teachers checking students in their use of python language. And lastly, code reviewers in the online community.","\\ No newline at end of file"]}]},{"commitID":"f456dd6","commitData":[{"chunknum":0,"startline":1,"endline":6,"edit":["+Acknowledgements\r","+\r","+We would like to give gratitude to everyone who has been involved with the development and the success of this project and thank them for their assistance throughout the entire period of this project. {Name of Advisor}, our senior project adviisor, {Name of Co-Ad}, our Co-advisor. We would also like to thank the Faculty of Information and Communication Technology, instructors, staff, members for the support given to us. Lastly, we would also like to thank our families for giving us support while making this project.\r","+\r","+The project would not have been this sucessful without those mentioned and their support that was offered.","\\ No newline at end of file"]},{"chunknum":0,"startline":1,"endline":6,"edit":["+A software for Code Idiom Detection in Python\r","+\r","+Abstract\r","+In the present days, software has been one of the main focus for Thailand 4.0 with the aim to integrate Technology and Industrailization together. In this field their are many programming languages that are being used and each language has it's own unique format called coding idioms. For example in Object oriented programming wihch uses Java some of the coding idioms would not be applicable with Python. With programmers switching programming languages there might be some unfamiliarities wihch would cause the program to drop in quality, or not be usable at all.\r","+With the problems stated above, the development team has the idea of a software that would help in checking the quality and development of python programming, with the software name being \"Teddy\". Teddy would be able to help programmers detect coding idioms within the program. This would eventually let the programmers understand more about Pythonic Idiom and it would also help in the learning of the language.[1]\r"]},{"chunknum":0,"startline":1,"endline":3,"edit":["+Lit review intro\r","+With the project aiming to create a software for detecting and analysing the usage of pythonic idioms, the understanding of each topics related to the software development is needed. This chapter will discuss the topics related to the project, which would also include minor topics, researches and tools that is used within the software.","\\ No newline at end of file"]},{"chunknum":0,"startline":1,"endline":5,"edit":["+Lit Rev.\r","+Toxic code snippet.\r","+With software development becoming used in many fields, it made coding become more reliant on the usage of online platforms, such as Stack Overflow[x]. The code snippets that are found on such platforms are considred by many to be usable, but in reality there are many flaws,outdated methods or even licensing problems wihtin it [x]. These outdated or codes with flaws are called toxic code snippets.\r","+Toxic code snippets are commonly seen posted in online forums, mostly in the commonly used platform Stack Overflow. With the most of these snippets not comming directly from Stack Overflow, but coppied from other locations such as an open source software[x]. Even when there are many toxic code snippets located in Stack Overflow and it is considered to be dangerous to use, users themselves aknowlage it's existence and are aware of these snippets [x].xx","\\ No newline at end of file"]},{"chunknum":0,"startline":1,"endline":7,"edit":["+Motivation\r","+\r","+Nowadays, Python is one of the most used programming languages which are use world wide[2]. This includes the new programmers learning the language and the ones transitioning to Python. But with some of those that are transitioning to Python they would have the chance of using methods that are normal in their old programming but unortandox in Python programming. When programmers use Python language and not Pythonic Idioms, it would cause the program to have problematic flaws and sometimes unefficient to use. Such as the usage of f = open('file.txt') and f.close(), These commands within the program would cause problems when programmers forget the to add in f.close(), thus the Pythonic Idiom would be with open() as f: instead.\r","+Also with in the software development cycle, using pythonic idioms within the development phase would give the code reviewers a better understanding of the program and a more smooth work flow. This is because most reviwers would be used to the usage of pythonic idioms. That would be the reason that if a helper for Pythonic idiom was created there would be a higher quality of codes being used.\r","+With the reasonings above, we have had the idea of creating \"Teddy\" as a software that would help in the detection and prevention of pythonic idiom in source codes. The users of the software would be able to check their code quality in terms of pythonic idioms and it would also help the new programmers to learn and understand what their flaws are when using python as a programming language.\r","+We as the developers of \"Teddy\" believe that \"Teddy\" can enhance the standards for python language and give the developers in Thailand more understanding of Python, which is a world wide programming language.","\\ No newline at end of file"]},{"chunknum":0,"startline":1,"endline":4,"edit":["+Objectives\r","+\r","+This project aims to create a software that detects Pythonic idioms with high accuracy in both detecting and analyzing coding idioms. The software is aimed to be used with an online source called \"GitHub\". The software would be able to show and simulate the pythonic idioms with a graphical interface for the users.","\\ No newline at end of file"]},{"chunknum":0,"startline":1,"endline":7,"edit":["+Problem Statement\r","+Currently coding with python if not used with Pythonic idiom would casue the following.\r","+- a lower quality of program, by not using pythonic idiom more resource may be allocated than usual\r","+- Codes will have flaws, without using pythonic idiom some important parts of the codes maybe forgotten and makes the software incomplete\r","+- Code reviews take longer and more tedious, code reviwers that are used to pythonic idiom would take more time to review the codes.\r","+By having a software that handles pytonic idioms, codes used within a program would be using the same format and give other developers the same understanding of the code written.","\\ No newline at end of file"]},{"chunknum":0,"startline":1,"endline":5,"edit":["+Scope\r","+- A software that allows users to detect pythonic idioms within a source code and with an automatic response.\r","+- Interact with GitHub through the software interface\r","+- Source code analysis System that is able to be integrated with GitHub and provide a full analysis report ","\\ No newline at end of file"]},{"chunknum":0,"startline":1,"endline":4,"edit":["+Target Users\r","+\r","+The project would provide numerious benefits to the programming field. Thus our first target users would be studnets learning the programming language. Second would be teachers checking students in their use of python language. And lastly, code reviewers in the online community.","\\ No newline at end of file"]}]},{"commitID":"435232d","commitData":[{"chunknum":0,"startline":1,"endline":6,"edit":["+Acknowledgements\r","+\r","+We would like to give gratitude to everyone who has been involved with the development and the success of this project and thank them for their assistance throughout the entire period of this project. {Name of Advisor}, our senior project adviisor, {Name of Co-Ad}, our Co-advisor. We would also like to thank the Faculty of Information and Communication Technology, instructors, staff, members for the support given to us. Lastly, we would also like to thank our families for giving us support while making this project.\r","+\r","+The project would not have been this sucessful without those mentioned and their support that was offered.","\\ No newline at end of file"]},{"chunknum":0,"startline":1,"endline":6,"edit":["+A software for Code Idiom Detection in Python\r","+\r","+Abstract\r","+In the present days, software has been one of the main focus for Thailand 4.0 with the aim to integrate Technology and Industrailization together. In this field their are many programming languages that are being used and each language has it's own unique format called coding idioms. For example in Object oriented programming wihch uses Java some of the coding idioms would not be applicable with Python. With programmers switching programming languages there might be some unfamiliarities wihch would cause the program to drop in quality, or not be usable at all.\r","+With the problems stated above, the development team has the idea of a software that would help in checking the quality and development of python programming, with the software name being \"Teddy\". Teddy would be able to help programmers detect coding idioms within the program. This would eventually let the programmers understand more about Pythonic Idiom and it would also help in the learning of the language.[1]\r"]},{"chunknum":0,"startline":1,"endline":3,"edit":["+Lit review intro\r","+With the project aiming to create a software for detecting and analysing the usage of pythonic idioms, the understanding of each topics related to the software development is needed. This chapter will discuss the topics related to the project, which would also include minor topics, researches and tools that is used within the software.","\\ No newline at end of file"]},{"chunknum":0,"startline":1,"endline":5,"edit":["+Lit Rev.\r","+Toxic code snippet.\r","+With software development becoming used in many fields, it made coding become more reliant on the usage of online platforms, such as Stack Overflow[x]. The code snippets that are found on such platforms are considred by many to be usable, but in reality there are many flaws,outdated methods or even licensing problems wihtin it [x]. These outdated or codes with flaws are called toxic code snippets.\r","+Toxic code snippets are commonly seen posted in online forums, mostly in the commonly used platform Stack Overflow. With the most of these snippets not comming directly from Stack Overflow, but coppied from other locations such as an open source software[x]. Even when there are many toxic code snippets located in Stack Overflow and it is considered to be dangerous to use, users themselves aknowlage it's existence and are aware of these snippets [x].xx","\\ No newline at end of file"]},{"chunknum":0,"startline":1,"endline":7,"edit":["+Motivation\r","+\r","+Nowadays, Python is one of the most used programming languages which are use world wide[2]. This includes the new programmers learning the language and the ones transitioning to Python. But with some of those that are transitioning to Python they would have the chance of using methods that are normal in their old programming but unortandox in Python programming. When programmers use Python language and not Pythonic Idioms, it would cause the program to have problematic flaws and sometimes unefficient to use. Such as the usage of f = open('file.txt') and f.close(), These commands within the program would cause problems when programmers forget the to add in f.close(), thus the Pythonic Idiom would be with open() as f: instead.\r","+Also with in the software development cycle, using pythonic idioms within the development phase would give the code reviewers a better understanding of the program and a more smooth work flow. This is because most reviwers would be used to the usage of pythonic idioms. That would be the reason that if a helper for Pythonic idiom was created there would be a higher quality of codes being used.\r","+With the reasonings above, we have had the idea of creating \"Teddy\" as a software that would help in the detection and prevention of pythonic idiom in source codes. The users of the software would be able to check their code quality in terms of pythonic idioms and it would also help the new programmers to learn and understand what their flaws are when using python as a programming language.\r","+We as the developers of \"Teddy\" believe that \"Teddy\" can enhance the standards for python language and give the developers in Thailand more understanding of Python, which is a world wide programming language.","\\ No newline at end of file"]},{"chunknum":0,"startline":1,"endline":4,"edit":["+Objectives\r","+\r","+This project aims to create a software that detects Pythonic idioms with high accuracy in both detecting and analyzing coding idioms. The software is aimed to be used with an online source called \"GitHub\". The software would be able to show and simulate the pythonic idioms with a graphical interface for the users.","\\ No newline at end of file"]},{"chunknum":0,"startline":1,"endline":7,"edit":["+Problem Statement\r","+Currently coding with python if not used with Pythonic idiom would casue the following.\r","+- a lower quality of program, by not using pythonic idiom more resource may be allocated than usual\r","+- Codes will have flaws, without using pythonic idiom some important parts of the codes maybe forgotten and makes the software incomplete\r","+- Code reviews take longer and more tedious, code reviwers that are used to pythonic idiom would take more time to review the codes.\r","+By having a software that handles pytonic idioms, codes used within a program would be using the same format and give other developers the same understanding of the code written.","\\ No newline at end of file"]},{"chunknum":0,"startline":1,"endline":5,"edit":["+Scope\r","+- A software that allows users to detect pythonic idioms within a source code and with an automatic response.\r","+- Interact with GitHub through the software interface\r","+- Source code analysis System that is able to be integrated with GitHub and provide a full analysis report ","\\ No newline at end of file"]},{"chunknum":0,"startline":1,"endline":4,"edit":["+Target Users\r","+\r","+The project would provide numerious benefits to the programming field. Thus our first target users would be studnets learning the programming language. Second would be teachers checking students in their use of python language. And lastly, code reviewers in the online community.","\\ No newline at end of file"]}]},{"commitID":"8c9c92d","commitData":[{"chunknum":0,"startline":1,"endline":6,"edit":["+Acknowledgements\r","+\r","+We would like to give gratitude to everyone who has been involved with the development and the success of this project and thank them for their assistance throughout the entire period of this project. {Name of Advisor}, our senior project adviisor, {Name of Co-Ad}, our Co-advisor. We would also like to thank the Faculty of Information and Communication Technology, instructors, staff, members for the support given to us. Lastly, we would also like to thank our families for giving us support while making this project.\r","+\r","+The project would not have been this sucessful without those mentioned and their support that was offered.","\\ No newline at end of file"]},{"chunknum":0,"startline":1,"endline":6,"edit":["+A software for Code Idiom Detection in Python\r","+\r","+Abstract\r","+In the present days, software has been one of the main focus for Thailand 4.0 with the aim to integrate Technology and Industrailization together. In this field their are many programming languages that are being used and each language has it's own unique format called coding idioms. For example in Object oriented programming wihch uses Java some of the coding idioms would not be applicable with Python. With programmers switching programming languages there might be some unfamiliarities wihch would cause the program to drop in quality, or not be usable at all.\r","+With the problems stated above, the development team has the idea of a software that would help in checking the quality and development of python programming, with the software name being \"Teddy\". Teddy would be able to help programmers detect coding idioms within the program. This would eventually let the programmers understand more about Pythonic Idiom and it would also help in the learning of the language.[1]\r"]},{"chunknum":0,"startline":1,"endline":3,"edit":["+Lit review intro\r","+With the project aiming to create a software for detecting and analysing the usage of pythonic idioms, the understanding of each topics related to the software development is needed. This chapter will discuss the topics related to the project, which would also include minor topics, researches and tools that is used within the software.","\\ No newline at end of file"]},{"chunknum":0,"startline":1,"endline":5,"edit":["+Lit Rev.\r","+Toxic code snippet.\r","+With software development becoming used in many fields, it made coding become more reliant on the usage of online platforms, such as Stack Overflow[x]. The code snippets that are found on such platforms are considred by many to be usable, but in reality there are many flaws,outdated methods or even licensing problems wihtin it [x]. These outdated or codes with flaws are called toxic code snippets.\r","+Toxic code snippets are commonly seen posted in online forums, mostly in the commonly used platform Stack Overflow. With the most of these snippets not comming directly from Stack Overflow, but coppied from other locations such as an open source software[x]. Even when there are many toxic code snippets located in Stack Overflow and it is considered to be dangerous to use, users themselves aknowlage it's existence and are aware of these snippets [x].xx","\\ No newline at end of file"]},{"chunknum":0,"startline":1,"endline":7,"edit":["+Motivation\r","+\r","+Nowadays, Python is one of the most used programming languages which are use world wide[2]. This includes the new programmers learning the language and the ones transitioning to Python. But with some of those that are transitioning to Python they would have the chance of using methods that are normal in their old programming but unortandox in Python programming. When programmers use Python language and not Pythonic Idioms, it would cause the program to have problematic flaws and sometimes unefficient to use. Such as the usage of f = open('file.txt') and f.close(), These commands within the program would cause problems when programmers forget the to add in f.close(), thus the Pythonic Idiom would be with open() as f: instead.\r","+Also with in the software development cycle, using pythonic idioms within the development phase would give the code reviewers a better understanding of the program and a more smooth work flow. This is because most reviwers would be used to the usage of pythonic idioms. That would be the reason that if a helper for Pythonic idiom was created there would be a higher quality of codes being used.\r","+With the reasonings above, we have had the idea of creating \"Teddy\" as a software that would help in the detection and prevention of pythonic idiom in source codes. The users of the software would be able to check their code quality in terms of pythonic idioms and it would also help the new programmers to learn and understand what their flaws are when using python as a programming language.\r","+We as the developers of \"Teddy\" believe that \"Teddy\" can enhance the standards for python language and give the developers in Thailand more understanding of Python, which is a world wide programming language.","\\ No newline at end of file"]},{"chunknum":0,"startline":1,"endline":4,"edit":["+Objectives\r","+\r","+This project aims to create a software that detects Pythonic idioms with high accuracy in both detecting and analyzing coding idioms. The software is aimed to be used with an online source called \"GitHub\". The software would be able to show and simulate the pythonic idioms with a graphical interface for the users.","\\ No newline at end of file"]},{"chunknum":0,"startline":1,"endline":7,"edit":["+Problem Statement\r","+Currently coding with python if not used with Pythonic idiom would casue the following.\r","+- a lower quality of program, by not using pythonic idiom more resource may be allocated than usual\r","+- Codes will have flaws, without using pythonic idiom some important parts of the codes maybe forgotten and makes the software incomplete\r","+- Code reviews take longer and more tedious, code reviwers that are used to pythonic idiom would take more time to review the codes.\r","+By having a software that handles pytonic idioms, codes used within a program would be using the same format and give other developers the same understanding of the code written.","\\ No newline at end of file"]},{"chunknum":0,"startline":1,"endline":5,"edit":["+Scope\r","+- A software that allows users to detect pythonic idioms within a source code and with an automatic response.\r","+- Interact with GitHub through the software interface\r","+- Source code analysis System that is able to be integrated with GitHub and provide a full analysis report ","\\ No newline at end of file"]},{"chunknum":0,"startline":1,"endline":4,"edit":["+Target Users\r","+\r","+The project would provide numerious benefits to the programming field. Thus our first target users would be studnets learning the programming language. Second would be teachers checking students in their use of python language. And lastly, code reviewers in the online community.","\\ No newline at end of file"]}]},{"commitID":"03ebbac","commitData":[{"chunknum":0,"startline":1,"endline":6,"edit":["+Acknowledgements\r","+\r","+We would like to give gratitude to everyone who has been involved with the development and the success of this project and thank them for their assistance throughout the entire period of this project. {Name of Advisor}, our senior project adviisor, {Name of Co-Ad}, our Co-advisor. We would also like to thank the Faculty of Information and Communication Technology, instructors, staff, members for the support given to us. Lastly, we would also like to thank our families for giving us support while making this project.\r","+\r","+The project would not have been this sucessful without those mentioned and their support that was offered.","\\ No newline at end of file"]},{"chunknum":0,"startline":1,"endline":6,"edit":["+A software for Code Idiom Detection in Python\r","+\r","+Abstract\r","+In the present days, software has been one of the main focus for Thailand 4.0 with the aim to integrate Technology and Industrailization together. In this field their are many programming languages that are being used and each language has it's own unique format called coding idioms. For example in Object oriented programming wihch uses Java some of the coding idioms would not be applicable with Python. With programmers switching programming languages there might be some unfamiliarities wihch would cause the program to drop in quality, or not be usable at all.\r","+With the problems stated above, the development team has the idea of a software that would help in checking the quality and development of python programming, with the software name being \"Teddy\". Teddy would be able to help programmers detect coding idioms within the program. This would eventually let the programmers understand more about Pythonic Idiom and it would also help in the learning of the language.[1]\r"]},{"chunknum":0,"startline":1,"endline":3,"edit":["+Lit review intro\r","+With the project aiming to create a software for detecting and analysing the usage of pythonic idioms, the understanding of each topics related to the software development is needed. This chapter will discuss the topics related to the project, which would also include minor topics, researches and tools that is used within the software.","\\ No newline at end of file"]},{"chunknum":0,"startline":1,"endline":5,"edit":["+Lit Rev.\r","+Toxic code snippet.\r","+With software development becoming used in many fields, it made coding become more reliant on the usage of online platforms, such as Stack Overflow[x]. The code snippets that are found on such platforms are considred by many to be usable, but in reality there are many flaws,outdated methods or even licensing problems wihtin it [x]. These outdated or codes with flaws are called toxic code snippets.\r","+Toxic code snippets are commonly seen posted in online forums, mostly in the commonly used platform Stack Overflow. With the most of these snippets not comming directly from Stack Overflow, but coppied from other locations such as an open source software[x]. Even when there are many toxic code snippets located in Stack Overflow and it is considered to be dangerous to use, users themselves aknowlage it's existence and are aware of these snippets [x].xx","\\ No newline at end of file"]},{"chunknum":0,"startline":1,"endline":7,"edit":["+Motivation\r","+\r","+Nowadays, Python is one of the most used programming languages which are use world wide[2]. This includes the new programmers learning the language and the ones transitioning to Python. But with some of those that are transitioning to Python they would have the chance of using methods that are normal in their old programming but unortandox in Python programming. When programmers use Python language and not Pythonic Idioms, it would cause the program to have problematic flaws and sometimes unefficient to use. Such as the usage of f = open('file.txt') and f.close(), These commands within the program would cause problems when programmers forget the to add in f.close(), thus the Pythonic Idiom would be with open() as f: instead.\r","+Also with in the software development cycle, using pythonic idioms within the development phase would give the code reviewers a better understanding of the program and a more smooth work flow. This is because most reviwers would be used to the usage of pythonic idioms. That would be the reason that if a helper for Pythonic idiom was created there would be a higher quality of codes being used.\r","+With the reasonings above, we have had the idea of creating \"Teddy\" as a software that would help in the detection and prevention of pythonic idiom in source codes. The users of the software would be able to check their code quality in terms of pythonic idioms and it would also help the new programmers to learn and understand what their flaws are when using python as a programming language.\r","+We as the developers of \"Teddy\" believe that \"Teddy\" can enhance the standards for python language and give the developers in Thailand more understanding of Python, which is a world wide programming language.","\\ No newline at end of file"]},{"chunknum":0,"startline":1,"endline":4,"edit":["+Objectives\r","+\r","+This project aims to create a software that detects Pythonic idioms with high accuracy in both detecting and analyzing coding idioms. The software is aimed to be used with an online source called \"GitHub\". The software would be able to show and simulate the pythonic idioms with a graphical interface for the users.","\\ No newline at end of file"]},{"chunknum":0,"startline":1,"endline":7,"edit":["+Problem Statement\r","+Currently coding with python if not used with Pythonic idiom would casue the following.\r","+- a lower quality of program, by not using pythonic idiom more resource may be allocated than usual\r","+- Codes will have flaws, without using pythonic idiom some important parts of the codes maybe forgotten and makes the software incomplete\r","+- Code reviews take longer and more tedious, code reviwers that are used to pythonic idiom would take more time to review the codes.\r","+By having a software that handles pytonic idioms, codes used within a program would be using the same format and give other developers the same understanding of the code written.","\\ No newline at end of file"]},{"chunknum":0,"startline":1,"endline":5,"edit":["+Scope\r","+- A software that allows users to detect pythonic idioms within a source code and with an automatic response.\r","+- Interact with GitHub through the software interface\r","+- Source code analysis System that is able to be integrated with GitHub and provide a full analysis report ","\\ No newline at end of file"]},{"chunknum":0,"startline":1,"endline":4,"edit":["+Target Users\r","+\r","+The project would provide numerious benefits to the programming field. Thus our first target users would be studnets learning the programming language. Second would be teachers checking students in their use of python language. And lastly, code reviewers in the online community.","\\ No newline at end of file"]}]}]