For this app you'll need to have the image registry activated of microk8s.
You'll learn how to create a docker container, pack it into a pod and expose it via Kubectl.
microk8s.enable registry
The above command will deploy the image registry which is available at localhost:32000.
# Build tick tack toe and push it to the repository of microk8s
docker build . -t localhost:32000/davisttt:0.1
# we push the image into the cluster repository
docker push localhost:32000/davisttt:0.1
Pushing to this insecure registry may fail in some versions of Docker unless the daemon is explicitly configured to trust this registry. To address this we need to edit (or add) /etc/docker/daemon.json
and add:
"insecure-registries" : ["localhost:32000"]
The new configuration should be loaded with a Docker daemon restart:
sudo systemctl restart docker
push again and it should succeeed!
Inspect the shell file to understand the declarative approach of deploying via kubectl.