- Team Name: Segfault Security Solutions
- Team Members: Caleb Ditchfield (github: kryptoklob)
- Repository: Stanford-AIxLaw-Hackathon_Google-Docs-Dispute-Resolution
- Whiteboarding Start Time: 5:51pm PST (end: 6:16pm PST)
- Code Start Time: 6:24pm PST
- Code Deadline: 7:00pm PST
[https://docs.google.com/document/d/17lCyWnT9TnhfsiEuNxbsEIYWEhc57eboPlnFx3xerIk/edit?usp=sharing](Example Google Doc)
- Langchain
- NodeJS
- Typescript
- Google Docs Integrations (tbd)
Everything below this line is the original forked readme - probably no time to update it given that I only have 12 minutes left.
This assumes you're on a Unix system. (WSL is fine)
If on Windows...why?
First, make sure you are using Node v18. I recommend using nvm for Node & npm version management.
nvm use 18
cd spearbot-node && npm install
Create an API key here if you don't have one.
You must have access to the GPT-4 model to use this tool.
(If you don't know if you have it, you probably don't.)
export OPENAI_API_KEY=<your-api-key-here>
Put the files to be audited (supports markdown and solidity) in
.Note: Data ingestion via codebase url (ie github codearena link for the contest) will be coming soon.
Run the summarizer. This will generate summaries of all markdown & solidity files, and output by default to
./summarize.sh --dir spearbot-node/put_files_to_audit_here
Note: coming shortly will be a tool that will automatically generate markdown documentation of the entire codebase using the output from this step.
Run the embedder. This will create a vector database of the summarized code & the code itself. Outputs by default to
./embedder.sh --in summarization-results.json
Query the code via the analyzer chatbot.
./analyzer.sh "What does <somefunction> in <somecontract> do?" <natural language results>