Concept Exercises replace V2's Core Exercises. They are exercises designed to teach specific (programming) concepts.
By concepts we mean things that a programmer would need to understand to be fluent in a language. We care specifically about how languages are different. What do I need to learn differently about numbers in Haskell to numbers in Ruby to be able to work with numbers in those languages. Two questions that we have felt useful to ask to establish this are:
- If someone learnt Ruby, and someone learnt Haskell, what are the things that the two people learnt that are different?
- If a Ruby programmer learnt Haskell, what new concepts would they have to learn, what knowledge would they have to disregard, and what syntax would they have to remap?
By teaching concepts we aim to teach fluency.
By "Fluency", we mean: Do you get that language? Can you reason in that language? Do you write that language like a "native" programmer writes in it? Fluency is the ability to express oneself articulately in a particular language.
"Fluency" is different to "Proficiency", where we use proficiency to mean: Can you write programs in the language (e.g. can you nav stdlib, docs, compose complex code structures).
Exercism focuses on teaching Fluency not Proficiency. We aim to teach people to understand what makes a language unique and how experienced programmers in that language would reason about - and solve - problems.
Concept Exercises must have the following characteristics:
- Each one has a clear learning goal.
- They are language-specific, not generic.
- Stubs/boilerplate are used to avoid the student having to learn/write unnecessary code on exercises.
Exercises are unlocked based on concepts taught and learnt. Each Concept Exercise must teach one or more concepts. It may also have prerequisites on Concepts, which means it will not be unlocked until Concept Exercises teaching those prerequisite concepts have been completed.
Concept Exercises should not inherently become more difficult as the track progresses. A seasoned developer in Language X should be able to work through all the Concept Exercises on that track spending no more than 5-10 minutes solving each one. As each exercise should be focussed on getting someone to use a concept for the first time, and because the seasoned developer already understands that concept in Language X, the exercise should feel relatively trivial for them. Later exercises may feel more difficult to a developer unfamiliar with Language X, but only because the later exercise is teaching a concept which in itself is more complicated (for example, most people would agree Recursion is a more complex topic to learn for the first time, than a Loop is to remap from one language to another).
Concept Exercises are not mentored. When a student submits a submission that gets the tests passing for a Concept Exercise, we check for an Analyzer or Representer to give feedback. If none is found, then the solution is approved. This shifts the burden of teaching to the exercise, which must provide a clear pathway to learning the concept that is being taught.
Concept Exercises do not share a common base like Practice Exercises do in the problem-specifications
repository. Instead they "share" Concepts that they are teaching with other languages. This repository aims to list all of those Concepts and provide information about the Concept that maintainers can use as the basis for their own languages. Each Concept should also link to the implementations in different languages. Maintainers are free to copy and paste from each others repositories, and then edit to make things specific to their tracks, but such copy-and-pastes should be considered hard-forks.
For example, we might define a concept of "Classes" and provide a short introduction that explains what a class is, how it fits with objects, state, etc. We might include a link to a good article introducing OOP and classes. Individual tracks implementing an exercise on Classes can then include this introductory text, making any changes or additions that explain their language-specific semantics and syntax.
When designing Concept Exercises, please consider the following guidelines:
- The exercise should be able to be solved in 5-10 minutes by someone proficient in the language.
- The exercise should not involve having to learn or engineer a non-trivial algorithm.
- The exercise should be background-knowledge-agnostic, unless the exercise calls for it (e.g. no maths unless it's a scientific/maths-based Concept).
An exercise has the following files. In the browser they will show at the relevant times. When used via the CLI, the introduction and instructions will be concatenated along with the track's CLI instructions into a, which will sit alongside a
This file contains an introduction to the concept. It should be explicit about what the student should learn from the exercise, and provide a short, concise introduction to the concept(s). The aim is to give the student just enough context to figure things out themselves and solve the exercise, as research has shown that self-discovery is the most effective learning experience. Mentioning technical terms that the student can Google if they so want, is preferable over including any code samples or an extensive description. For example we might describe a string as a "Sequence of Unicode characters" or a "series of bytes" or "an object". Unless the student needs to understand the details of what those mean to be able to solve the exercise we should not give more info in this introduction - instead allowing the student to Google, ignore, or map their existing knowledge.
See the C# floating-point-numbers exercise's file for an example.
This file contains instructions for the exercise. It should explicitly explain what the student needs to do (define a method with the signature X(...)
that takes an A and returns a Z), and provide at least one example usage of that function. If there are multiple tasks within the exercise, it should provide an example of each.
See the C# floating-point-numbers exercise's file for an example.
If the student gets stuck, we will allow them to click a button requesting a hint, which shows this file. This will not be a "recommended" path and we will (softly) discourage them using it unless they can't progress without it. As such, it's worth considering that the student reading it will be a little confused/overwhelmed and maybe frustrated.
The file should contain both general and task-specific "hints". These hints should be enough to unblock almost any student. They might link to the docs of the functions that need to be used.
The hints should not spell out the solution, but instead point to a resource describing the solution (e.g. linking to documentation for the function to use).
See the C# floating-point-numbers exercise's file for an example.
Once the student completes the exercise they will be shown this file, which should provide them with a summary of what the exercise aimed to teach. This document can also link to any additional resources that might be interesting to the student in the context of the exercise.
See the C# floating-point-numbers exercise's file for an example.
This file contains information on the exercise's design, which includes things like its goal, its teaching goals, what not to teach, and more. This information can be extracted from the exercise's corresponding GitHub issue.
It exists in order to inform future maintainers or contributors about the scope and limitations of an exercise, to avoid the natural trend towards making exercises more complex over time.
See the C# floating-point-numbers exercise's file for an example.
This file contains meta information on the exercise, which currently only includes the exercise's contributors.
See the C# floating-point-numbers exercise's config.json file for an example.
This file contains information on how to work with the exercise when using the CLI to download and submit the exercise.
See the C# track's file for an example.
This file explains how a student that is coding in the browser can still do "debugging."
See the C# track's file for an example.