Description of data format for .npy files
data = np.load(file, allow_pickle = True)
data[0] gives the units of frequency data[1] gives the names of the collected traces data[2] gives the values on the frequency axis (NOTE: data[2] return 751 values, only take the first 700) data[3] gives the collected intensity data for each trace
traces = data[3]
traces.shape --> (# samples, # traces, 700) traces[:,i] gives ith trace in the format (# samples, 700)
For our data, we only use the 'WRITE' trace, so traces.shape --> (# samples, 1, 700)
To generate the quartiles, use: np.quantile(data, .25, axis=0) np.quantile(data, .75, axis=0) To get the first and third quartiles respectively