The project is opencv-ahk bindings, use autoit-opencv project to generate opencv header file data, and then rebind it to ahk_v2. This library dependents on opencv_world4.5.5 x64 and ahk_v2h.beta.4(exe or dll) The parameter type definition is the same as that of C++ version, and some functions are not completely overloaded. opencv documentation
To use in v2L/v1L, you need to load the ahk.dll.
#DllLoad opencv_ahk.dll
#DllLoad AutoHotkey64.dll
; cv := ObjFromPtr(DllCall('opencv_ahk.dll\opencv_init', 'ptr', DllCall(A_AhkPath '\ahkGetApi', 'cdecl ptr'), 'cdecl ptr')) ; ahk_h
cv := ObjFromPtr(DllCall('opencv_ahk.dll\opencv_init', 'ptr', DllCall('autohotkey64.dll\ahkGetApi', 'cdecl ptr'), 'cdecl ptr'))
;; v1L
; cv := ComObject(9, DllCall("opencv_ahk.dll\opencv_init", "ptr", DllCall("autohotkey64.dll\ahkGetApi", "ptr", 1, "cdecl ptr"), "cdecl ptr"))
; cv.Array(0, 0, 255) ; create v2 array
cvcons := cv.constants
img := cv.imread(A_ScriptDir '\1.png')
cv.imshow('img', img)
cv.cvtColor(img, img_grey := cv.mat(), cvcons.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
cv.imshow('img', img_grey)
ret := cv.threshold(img_grey, thresh := cv.mat(), 200, 255, cvcons.THRESH_BINARY)
cv.imshow('img', thresh)
cv.findContours(thresh, contours := cv.Vector_Vector_Point(), hierarchy := cv.vector_vec4i(), cvcons.RETR_TREE, cvcons.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
cv.drawContours(img, contours, -1, [0, 0, 255, 0], 2)
cv.imshow("img", img)
cv.putText(img, "hello ahk⛅", [0,50], cv.constants.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1, [0, 0, 255], 2, 8, 0)
cv.putText(img, "hello ahk⛅", [0,50], cv.constants.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1, [0, 0, 255], 2, 8, 1)
td := cv.TextDraw(,48)
td.putText(img, 'hello ahk⛅', [0,150], [255], 1)
td.putText(img, 'hello ahk⛅', [0,150], [255], 0)
loop 40 {
row := A_Index
loop 40
img[row + 270, A_Index + 20] := [Random(0, 255),Random(0, 255),Random(0, 255),]
cv.imshow('img', img)
InputArray, OutputArray, InputOutputArray
, these parameters can useMat
, useVector_xx
(if the class exists) orArray
objects.- the classes and structs of opencv, use class instances of the corresponding type(if the class exists), or
(if the class does not exist). - When overloaded functions have integer, float and string type parameters at the same time, the corresponding types shall be strictly used.
- Parameters of the
macro tag that the type is not(Input)OutputArray
, useVarRef
, and the initial value needs to be provided when there is aCV_IN
macro tag.