These are the steps to build pgModeler
for Windows 10 64-bit on Windows itself.
The produced pgModeler
software will also be in 64-bit.
Before building pgModeler
, we need to install the build tool-chain and dependencies.
We will use the MSYS2 building platform.
MSYS2 will provide MinGW, gcc and the Qt library. For all this tools we will use their 64-bit version.
MSYS2 is a build tool-chain forked from Cygwin. MSYS2 come with the Pacman package manager from Arch Linux and the MinGW fork from MinGW-w64.
To install MSYS2 you need to download the 64-bit version installer from and follow the install Wizard.
When done you will have 3 new available shells.
- the MSYS shell
- the MinGW 32-bit shell
- the MinGW 64-bit shell
The MSYS2 shell is used only to perform install and update tasks and the MinGW shels are used to build software.
At the last steep of the Wizard, keep checked the "Run MSYS2 Now" check-box. This will start the MSYS shell (you can also launch it from the start menu).
In this shell, first update MSYS2 itself with the welp of pacman
pacman -Syuu
Then restart the MSYS shell and redo the above command until pacman
tell you than there is nothing more to update.
Note: all of the MSYS2 stuff, including things installed with the pacman
command will be installed under C:\msys64\
It emulate a unix file system, including a home
directory at C:\msys64\home\
To buid pgModeler we need a few build tools and libraries.
To install the build tools, in the MSYS shell run:
pacman -S pacman base-devel mingw-w64-x86_64-toolchain git
When asked, just install all the members.
To install the libraries required to build pgModeler run:
pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-qt5 mingw-w64-x86_64-postgresql mingw-w64-x86_64-libxml2
This will install Qt5, PostgreSQL and libxml2 as MSYS2/MinGW libraries.
Alternately, you can install them system wide with the windows graphical installers from Qt and PostgreSQL (libxml2 is included in the PostgreSQL installer).
Both methods works, the first one is just more easy to update thanks to pacman
If you use the graphical installer for postgreSQL, be careful to not install PostgreSQL in the default
directory (C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL
) because there is space in Program Files
and this will break
the building scripts. Install it directly under C:\PostgreSQL
. For example, for PostgreSQL 9.6.5,
install it under C:\PostgreSQL\9.6
Finally download and install InnoSetup who will be used to create an offline installer for pgModeler (there is not yet a MSYS2 package for InnoSetup).
Launch the MinGW 64-bit shell from the start menu and get the pgModeler sources with the help of git
git clone
cd pgmodeler
git checkout tags/v0.9.1
We build the 0.9.1 version of pgModeler as example. If a new version is available since this How-To,
you just need to change the tag accordingly. You can also try to build from git checkout master
or git checkout devel
for more up-to-date releases.
If you have installed PostgreSQL and libxml2 with pacman
, you need to edit the pgmodeler.pri
file to point
to the needed libraries like this:
windows {
!defined(PGSQL_LIB, var): PGSQL_LIB = C:/msys64/mingw64/bin/libpq.dll
!defined(PGSQL_INC, var): PGSQL_INC = C:/msys64/mingw64/include
!defined(XML_INC, var): XML_INC = C:/msys64/mingw64/include/libxml2
!defined(XML_LIB, var): XML_LIB = C:/msys64/mingw64/bin/libxml2-2.dll
If you have used the graphical installers instead, then the file is probably already correct. It must look like something like:
windows {
!defined(PGSQL_LIB, var): PGSQL_LIB = C:/PostgreSQL/9.6/lib/libpq.dll
!defined(PGSQL_INC, var): PGSQL_INC = C:/PostgreSQL/9.6/include
!defined(XML_INC, var): XML_INC = C:/PostgreSQL/9.6/include
!defined(XML_LIB, var): XML_LIB = C:/PostgreSQL/9.6/bin/libxml2.dll
Note: vim
was installed alongside git
, so you can use it to edit the files.
You can also install other editors like nano
from MSYS2.
For building the application do the following commands:
make install
cd build
windeployqt --compiler-runtime pgmodeler.exe
This will compile the software and create a /build
directory with half of the necessary file for running pgModeler.
The /build
directory is not yet complete, we need to add manually the DLLs of the libraries than the windeployqt
command have missed. Most of the missing dependencies are related to postreSQL.
It is required to manually add them to the the /build
directory. To know the missing libraries, just double-click
on /build/pgModeler.exe
and it will give you messages about the missing DLLs.
As the time of this writing, do the following commands inside the /build
directory to copy the missing DLLs:
cp /mingw64/bin/libeay32.dll .
cp /mingw64/bin/libfreetype-6.dll .
cp /mingw64/bin/libglib-2.0-0.dll .
cp /mingw64/bin/libgraphite2.dll .
cp /mingw64/bin/libharfbuzz-0.dll .
cp /mingw64/bin/libiconv-2.dll .
cp /mingw64/bin/libicudt*.dll .
cp /mingw64/bin/libicuin*.dll .
cp /mingw64/bin/libicuuc*.dll .
cp /mingw64/bin/libintl-8.dll .
cp /mingw64/bin/liblzma-5.dll .
cp /mingw64/bin/libpcre-1.dll .
cp /mingw64/bin/libpcre2-16-0.dll .
cp /mingw64/bin/libpng16-16.dll .
cp /mingw64/bin/libpq.dll .
cp /mingw64/bin/libxml2-2.dll .
cp /mingw64/bin/libbz2-1.dll .
cp /mingw64/bin/Qt5Networkd.dll .
cp /mingw64/bin/libssl-1_1-x64.dll .
cp /mingw64/bin/libcrypto-1_1-x64.dll .
cp /mingw64/bin/libgcc_s_seh-1.dll .
cp /mingw64/bin/libstdc++-6.dll .
cp /mingw64/bin/libwinpthread.dll .
cp /mingw64/bin/liblzma-5.dll .
cp /mingw64/bin/zlibstd.dll .
cp /mingw64/bin/libdouble-conversion.dll .
cp /mingw64/bin/Qt5PrintSupportd.dll .
cp /mingw64/bin/ssleay32.dll .
cp /mingw64/bin/zlib1.dll .
Note than the DLLs names may change since the writing of this tutorial.
By now, you can already run pgModeler directly by double-clicking it inside the /build
but if you want to create an installer, and have nice short-cuts in Windows you nees to create the installer
with the help of InnoSetup.
First go back inside the pgmodeler
cd ~/pgmodeler
and then launch the following command in the minGW 64-bit shell:
"/c/Program Files (x86)/Inno Setup 6/ISCC.exe" ./installer/windows/pgmodeler.iss
Alternately you can also build the package with the graphical Inno Setup Compiler from your start menu.
You will have to point to the pgmodeler.iss
file witch will be somewhere like
Inno Setup should have create a pgmodeler.exe
file inside C:\msys64\home\myusername\pgmodeler
This is the installer executable. Just run it to install PgModeler.
Assuming you have "Inno Setup 6" installed in "C:\Program Files (x86)\Inno Setup 6" -default location-, this script will generate an installer from the selected version / tag, which you can select by passing -t=$version (--target=$version)" to the script:
./ -t=v0.9.2
./ --target=master
Output will be located at pgmodeler folder (/home/$USER/pgmodeler/pgmodeler.exe) Note this is a really basic script, any improvements are welcome.