- Pre-Lab preparation
- Part 1: VHDL code for full adder
- Part 2: VHDL code for 4-bit adder
- Part 3: Top level VHDL code
- Challenges
- References
- Understand half- and full-adders
- Practice instantiating VHDL sub-components
- Construct a ripple carry adder
A half adder has two one-bit inputs A and B and consists of two outputs Carry and Sum. Complete the half adder truth table. Draw a logic diagram of both output functions. A full adder extend inputs to three signal: A, B, and input Carry and also has two outputs: output Carry and Sum. Basicaly, carry and sum represent 2-bit result of addition operation.
Complete the full adder truth table.
C_in B A C_out Sum Dec. equivalent 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 2 1 1 1 1 1 3 -
See schematic or reference manual of the Nexys A7 board and find out the connection of RGB LEDs and how to turn them on and off using BJTs (Bipolar Junction Transistor).
Full adder is the adder which adds three inputs and produces two outputs. The first two inputs are A and B and the third input is an input carry as C_IN. The output carry is designated as C_OUT and the normal output is designated as SUM.
Run Vivado and create a new project:
Project name:
Project location: your working folder, such as
Project type: RTL Project
Create a new VHDL source file:
Do not add any constraints now
Choose a default board:
Nexys A7-50T
Click Finish to create the project
Define I/O ports of new module:
Port name Direction Type Description c_in
input std_logic
Input carry b
input std_logic
Input b a
input std_logic
Input a c_out
output std_logic
Output carry sum
output std_logic
Output sum
Complete the architecture and define output signals
. You can use simple VHDL assignment statements or two instances of half adders and one OR gate. (For explanation, see logic diagram of Satvik Ramaprasad.)VHDL assignment statements
Component instantiation
Create a VHDL simulation source
, generate testbench, complete all test cases, and verify the functionality of the adder.-- Test case 1: Input binary value 0,0,0 c_in <= '0'; b <= '0'; a <= '0'; wait for 100 ns; assert (c_out = '0' and sum = '0') report "Combination c_in=0, b=0, a=0 FAILED" severity error;
Use Flow > Open Elaborated design and see the schematic after RTL analysis. Note that RTL (Register Transfer Level) represents digital circuit at the abstract level.
Ripple carry adder is designed by connecting full-adder circuits in a cascade fasion in such a way that, two n-bit binary inputs are applied parallelly to the circuit and the output carry of previous full adder is applied to the input carry of the next full adder. For two n-bit binary addition, n number of full adder circuit is required.
Create a new VHDL design source
in your project. -
Define I/O ports as follows.
Port name Direction Type Description c_in
in std_logic
Input carry b
input std_logic_vector (3 downto 0)
Input bus b[3:0] a
input std_logic_vector (3 downto 0)
Input bus a[3:0] c_out
output std_logic
Output carry result
output std_logic_vector (3 downto 0)
Output bus sum[3:0] -
Use component declaration and four instantiations of
and define the architecture of 4-bit binary adder. (Hint: In Vivado, you can use VHDL templates in menu Tools > Language Templates.)Note: The component declaration and instantiation templates are located in:
Language Templates: VHDL Common Constructs Architecture, Component & Entity Component Declaration VHDL Common Constructs Architecture, Component & Entity Component Instantiation
architecture behavioral of adder_4bit is -- Component declaration for full adder component full_adder is port ( c_in : in std_logic; b : in std_logic; a : in std_logic; c_out : out std_logic; sum : out std_logic ); end component; -- Local signals for carry propagation signal sig_c0 : std_logic; signal sig_c1 : std_logic; signal sig_c2 : std_logic; begin -- Component instantiations for each bit position -- 1st full adder FA0 : full_adder port map ( c_in => c_in, b => b(0), a => a(0), c_out => sig_c0, sum => result(0) ); -- 2nd full adder -- 3rd full adder -- 4th full adder end architecture behavioral;
Use Flow > Open Elaborated design and see the schematic after RTL analysis.
(Optional: Create a VHDL simulation source
and simulate several test cases.)
Create a new VHDL design source
in your project. -
Define I/O ports as follows.
Port name Direction Type Description SW_B
in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0)
First operand b[3:0] SW_A
in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0)
Second operand a[3:0] LED_B
out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0)
Show binary value b[3:0] LED_A
out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0)
Show binary value a[3:0] LED_RED
out std_logic
Show output carry CA
out std_logic
Cathode of segment A CB
out std_logic
Cathode of segment B CC
out std_logic
Cathode of segment C CD
out std_logic
Cathode of segment D CE
out std_logic
Cathode of segment E CF
out std_logic
Cathode of segment F CG
out std_logic
Cathode of segment G DP
out std_logic
Decimal point AN
out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0)
Common anodes of all on-board displays BTNC
in std_logic
Clear the display -
Copy design source file
from the previous lab toYOUR-PROJECT-FOLDER/adder.srcs/sources_1/new/
folder and add it to the project. -
Use component declaration and instantiation of
, and define the top-level architecture as follows.architecture behavioral of top_level is -- Component declaration for 4-bit adder -- Component declaration for bin2seg -- Local signal for adder result begin -- Component instantiation of 4-bit adder -- Component instantiation of bin2seg -- Turn off decimal point -- Display input values on LEDs -- Set display position end architecture behavioral;
Create a new constraints XDC file
, uncomment and modify names of used pins according to thetop_level
entity. -
Compile the project (ie. transform the high-level VHDL code into a binary configuration file) and download the generated bitstream
into the FPGA chip. -
Test the functionality of the adder by toggling the switches and observing display and LEDs.
Use Flow > Open Elaborated design and see the schematic after RTL analysis.
Fun fact: In the next labs we are not going to use those low level gates to perform arithmetical operations but operators defined in VHDL 😅
library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.numeric_std.all; -- Package for data type conversions ... sig_cnt <= sig_cnt + 1; ...
Extend the functionality of 4-bit adder and design a combined adder and subtractor circuit.
Use two 4-bit adders and create an 8-bit adder circuit.
Digilent Reference. Nexys A7 Reference Manual
Satvik Ramaprasad. Full adder from 2 half adders
Tomas Fryza. Template for binary adder
Ishaan. Ripple Carry Adder
Digilent. General .xdc file for the Nexys A7-50T