Author: Khai H Lai
Last Updated: 12/11/2019
Changelog: Please refer to for full history of changes. Most recent changes includes:
- Added front-end web client to allow users to simulate games! Need to fix designs a bit though and add actual text description in place of the generic lorem ipsum. However, so far the structure and functionalities are taken care of!
- Frontend web client is implemented using HTML/CSS/Javascript
- Simulation functions in now returns dictionaries of games results!
Language: Python
Technology used so far :
- Python Eve.
- MongoDB/pyMongo driver
- BeautifulSoup scraper utilities
- HTML/CSS/Javascript for front end
- To be updated
This simple program uses Monte Carlo simulation to:
predict the result of an NBA match.
output each team's probability of winning the matchup.
Has functionality to scrape game calendar on a specified date and simulate games on that date.
Allows matchup simulation between teams from different seasons. Only support from the 2015-2020 seasons as of right now.
The simulator uses BeautifulSoup utility to scrape data from Basketball Reference and Team Rankings. It then uses Monte-Carlo simulation (basically added random statistical variations applied on the procedure described on Basketball Distribution) to give the probability of each team winning the match-up. By default, unless otherwise specified by user, the algorithm will simulate a matchup 10,000 times before returning the average winning probability for each team.
For more information and details, please refer to the Software Requirement Specification for deadlines for these updates.
- Working interactive frontend/U.I
- Neural network to predict game results
- Host webapp on live website
- Maybe user login, authentication, or email list (?)