Consider the following variable assignments: d = 10 e = 5.0 f = 2 g = 11.0 h = 3 i = 1.5 Op Result Data Type d + e evaluates to f + h evaluates to g + h evaluates to d - f evaluates to g - e evaluates to (h + i) - f evaluates to (d - f) + e evaluates to Multiplication and Division ( *, / ) Op Result Data Type d * f evaluates to g * i evaluates to f * g evaluates to d / f evaluates to d / e evaluates to e / f evaluates to (g * f) / f evaluates to (d / f) * e evaluates to 21 / 5 evaluates to Overall: Give two different ways to add 1 to the variable y and store that result in the variable y. Give two different ways for multiplying the variable x and the variable y and storing the result in x. Give two different ways for dividing the variable y by 8, multiplying that result by z, and then storing the final result in z. Give an example of an invalid assignment statement.