This repository holds the source code to produce rbiotechsalary web-app. There's two versions
- web app hosted at
- a digital ocean hosted docker rshiny web app
- static html hosted at
- gha to pull new data and render a new html page everyday. OJS for interactivity
I initially started with 1., but it wasn't free (cheap though $5/month), and I had issues with deployment (css and routing headaches).
I heard of OJS + quarto and was curious if I could make a functional web-app -like product without actually needing a server. But what I found was ultimately that OJS and quarto is not mature and stable enough to provide a featureful web-app like experience. Layout issues, interactivity bugs etc.
I think 2 is good for small projects, like simple data display. Not enough features and robustness for more in-depth data exploration.
Now I am back to working on improving 1.
Remove data pulling and cleaning into separate repo: wvictor14/, apps should just pull from there instead of running data cleaning everytime image or app is launched
Related, web app receives data updates by manually redeploying / rebuilding docker image. Data is baked into the image itself.
Make web app more mobile friendly
- I'd like to experiment with a more mobile friendly layout. Perhaps with a scrolling layout, and more data presented on one page using some other apps as inspiration
- e.g. for web-based layout
- I like Monarch Money for the clarity in their UI
additional features
- top companies
- two columns, 1 is company, other is salary
- expandable
- show individual salaries?
- provide alternative survey
- many issues with existing survey, particularly relating to location
- a survey redesign would be best but wonder if there is something less atomic
- top companies concise delivery of important info per title:
has a filter by location button has a good way of displaying data in table that is also mobile friendly:
- 4 columns, each column actually shows more data, organized in rows
- rows are expandable for more details
- table is filterable and searchable section to explorer top salaries by location, company, title
The repo is a bit messy and hard to understand because it comprises 3 components: data clean scripts, web-app (1.) and static html (2.).
- and 2. depend on the data cleaning scripts
web app source lives in inst/ext/app
both utilize code in R/
You can install the development version of rbiotechsalary from GitHub with:
# install.packages("devtools")
- Provide user-friendly access to cleaned biotech salary information from r/biotech
- focus on normalizing the most relevant variables
- Convey a minimal but relevant set of statistics and visualizations on salary information
- enable relevant queries with customized search based on normalized (cleaned) data for role titles, and location data
- Promote community involvement and open-source frameworks
- allow user to explore raw data
- open-access data provenance
Google survey -> google sheets -> GHA-powered daily render and publish
Render and publish:
- R / Observable JS / quarto backend
- renders static html
- github actions to publish static html to github pages
interactivity is all client-side via Observable JS (ojs)
data processing is all using R
? indicate still considering if worth
- dockerize
- decide on hosting service - digital ocean
- deploy
- automate software updates
- automate data updates
- regular pulling updates from google sheets
- target pipeline
- automate new data cleaning and uploading
- add research associate data
- add other departments like product dev, clinical, business etc.
Targeted minimum set of variables:
- timestamp
- role title
- location
- salary base
- salary bonus
- experience years
- add filter by location
- add filter by timestamp
- select by year, or by all
- add filter by role title
Salary graphs
How to lay these out? by tabs?
- salary x experience
- raw data - cool
- histogram
- toggle between base / total
- show median in text + line
- show range (10th and 90th percentile?)
- reactable winner over gt and DT -> server side processing, feature-ful and looks good
- show TC and breakdown base and bonus concisely -
- finalize column inclusion
- options good to include
for remembering how to docker:
docker container ls
docker exec -it <container_name> bash
# stop and remove
docker stop $(docker ps -a -q)
docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)
# build and push`
docker build -t rbiotechsalary .
docker tag rbiotechsalary victor2wy/rbiotechsalary
docker push victor2wy/rbiotechsalary # push to dockerhub`
# run
docker run --user shiny -dp 3838:3838 victor2wy/rbiotechsalary #dockerhub
docker pull victor2wy/rbiotechsalary:latest
docker run --user shiny -p 3838:3838 rbiotechsalary # local