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The shared golang workflow repository for the organization.


Releasing go libraries and programs is quite formulaic and hopefully boring. Trying to maintain lots of duplicate workflows that should be the same is tedious and error prone.

The solution is to create a set of workflows that are designed to be tested and reused throughout the organization and company. This repository is designed to test the workflows before they are put into production as well as provide a way for dependabot to do much of the boring stuff for us (like keeping dependencies up to date). And to test everything.

Maintaining a Repository Using shared-go

Dependabot & Automation

To be efficient, dependabot really should be setup for each repo and allowed to commit updates. Protect robot's rights; never let a human do a robot's work.

Do ensure that branch protection rules requiring a pull request are in place and require the All checks passed check. status to succeed to protect against broken code from automatically being merged.

This does not prevent maintainers from pushing code as they deem reasonable, but do think about using the workflow & a PR to verify code changes. It is reasonable to over-ride the requirement for an approval to merge your PR. "You break it, you fix it" rules are in effect.

Clean Code

Strive to run with all the checking on in the workflow. Despite being annoying or tedious at times, the value is more consistent code across projects. "Running clean" means there are fewer exceptions to trip us up.

Multiple Architectures

Expect to generate output for multiple architectures (x86 and arm64 today, others in the future), so make code and containers work everywhere when possible.


No need to update files anymore, as that information is automatically gathered by gorelease for us based on commit messages. The files will be removed so the source of truth is more clear soon.

Commit Messages

The following comment "prefixes" will automatically categorize your work in the release notes, so please use them.

  • feat(deps): or fix(deps): will group the commit into Dependency Updates
  • feat: or feat([:word:]): (where [:word:] is any word except deps) will group the commit into New Features
  • fix: or fix([:word:]): (where [:word:] is any word except deps) will group the commit into Bug Fixes
  • doc: or doc([:word:]): (where [:word:] is any word) will group the commit into Documentation Updates
  • The following prefixes cause the commit to be omitted from the release notes.
    • chore:
    • test:
    • merge conflict (can happen anywhere in the commit message)
    • Merge pull request (can happen anywhere in the commit message)
    • Merge remote-tracking branch (can happen anywhere in the commit message)
    • Merge branch (can happen anywhere in the commit message)
    • go mod tidy (can happen anywhere in the commit message)
  • Everything else will show up as Other Work


Releases are as simple as creating and pushing a semver tag in the following format:


The ci workflow will take care of the rest for you.


git pull --tags
git tag v1.0.1
git push --tags

Tags should be forever but releases can be removed if needed.

Workflow Usage

For your go project you are going to want at least 2 workflows:

  • A ci workflow.
  • A dependabot approving workflow.
  • (optional) A project tracking workflow.

This workflow does the following things automatically:

  • generates, then builds the program (may be disabled)
  • runs all the unit tests (may be disabled)
  • runs gofmt style checking (may be disabled)
  • runs golangci-lint checking (may be disabled)
  • checks the copyright headers (may be disabled)
  • dependency license checking (may be disabled)
  • report results to sonarcloud (may be disabled)
  • releasing via gorelease (may be disabled)

🔰 Reusable Workflows 🔰

1: Auto Releaser

Golang Automatic Patch Releaser Sample

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 Comcast Cable Communications Management, LLC
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
name: 'Automatically relase patch versions.'

    schedule: # Run every day at 12:00 UTC
      - cron: '0 12 * * *'

      uses: xmidt-org/shared-go/.github/workflows/ci.yml@826aa545bb56f6c7c551d44febb420c0293c8bff # v4.2.0
      secrets: inherit


# Required Type Name Default Description
1 string branch main Branch to release from.
2 string patch-list fix, bugfix, perf, refactor, test, tests, chore Comma separated list of commit types that should trigger a patch release.
3 string which tag Create a 'release' or 'tag'.

2: CI Workflow

Golang CI Workflow Sample

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 Comcast Cable Communications Management, LLC
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
name: 'CI'

      - main
      - 'v[0-9]+.[0-9]+.[0-9]+'

    uses: xmidt-org/shared-go/.github/workflows/ci.yml@6a0bec30f42c318c0c1d06705f3f60911ed7c610 # v3.2.0
      release-type: program    # or: library
    secrets: inherit


# Required Type Name Default Description
1 string go-version ^1.20.x The go version to use. Example: '1.20.x'
2 boolean go-version-latest true Will always use the latest version of go available.
3 boolean go-generate-skip true Skip running go generate if needed.
4 string go-generate-deps The line sparated list of go generate dependencies to install via
go install prior to running go generate.
5 string working-directory . The working directory for this project.
6 string description ${{ github.repository }} does something important. What this project/package does.
7 string license The license this project should use if it doesn't support REUSE/SPDX.
8 boolean build-skip false Skip building the program.
9 boolean goreportcard-skip false Skip running the goreportcard update.
10 boolean lint-skip false Skip running the lint check.
11 string lint-timeout 5m The timeout to pass on to the linter.
12 string lint-version latest The working directory for this project.
13 boolean license-skip false Skip building the license check.
14 boolean release-arch-amd64 true Set to enable amd64 binary and dockers to be built.
15 boolean release-arch-arm64 true Set to enable arm64 binary and dockers to be built.
16 string release-binary-name If the project needs a custom name, use set it here.
17 boolean release-custom-file false If the project needs a custom release file, use that instead.
18 boolean release-docker false If set to true, release a container to gocr as well.
19 string release-docker-extras Provides a way to set the extra_files field with the list of
files/dirs to make available.
20 string release-docker-file Dockerfile Set to the docker file and path if you don't want the default of
Dockerfile in the project root.
21 boolean release-docker-latest false If set to true, release this container as the latest.
22 boolean release-docker-major false If set to true, release this container as the latest for
the major version.
23 boolean release-docker-minor false If set to true, release this container as the latest for the minor version.
24 string release-main-package . Path to main.go file or main package.
25 string release-project-name The project name / binary name to use if not the repo name.
26 boolean release-rpms true If set to true, release generic rpms as well.
27 boolean release-skip false Skip releasing the program.
28 string release-skip-publish Set to --skip-publish to skip publishing.
29 string release-type The type of artifact to expect and release. [ library, program ].
30 string release-with-extra-contents The list of any extra files to include in the packaged releases. See
goreleaser nfpm contents for examples.
31 string release-with-unique-user true If set to true will add a user and group with the same name as the
program. Otherwise root is assumed.
32 boolean copyright-skip false Skip validating that all files have copyright and licensing information.
33 boolean style-skip false Skip building the gofmt check.
34 boolean tests-race true If set to "true" (default), race condition checking will be performed
during unit tests. Otherwise no race condition checking will be done.
35 boolean tests-skip false Skip running the unit tests.
36 boolean upload-skip false Skip uploading the artifacts.
37 boolean yaml-lint-skip true Skip linting yaml files.

Workflow Development

There are three special directories:

  • command
  • library
  • program

The command directory represents a go program in a cmd structured directory for release testing purposes.

The library directory represents a go library for release purposes.

The program directory represents a go program for release purposes.

Releases are tested automatically now. The repo is tagged, but the release is not actually uploaded. To verify the release is what you expect, comment out the --skip-publish options and trigger a PR.

Delete the 1.0.x releases when you're done.

Generally create a PR to test a change.

As it makes sense, add more test*.yaml workflows to implement more tests. The idea is to generally cover the use cases as well as bugs that we find.


After code has been tested to prove it works, release it with a release version starting with v3.0.0 and follows semantic versioning conventions. Dependabot should take care of the rest for us.