[485] Max Consecutive Ones
Easy array
Given a binary array, find the maximum number of consecutive 1s in this array.
Input: [1,1,0,1,1,1]
Output: 3
Explanation: The first two digits or the last three digits are consecutive 1s.
The maximum number of consecutive 1s is 3.
The input array will only contain 0 and 1.
The length of input array is a positive integer and will not exceed 10,000
解答 本题可以采用常规的一次遍历和基于 hashtab 的方式进行处理(题目描述中已经定义不存在重复的数据)
func findMaxConsecutiveOnes2(nums []int) int {
maxCount, currentCount := 0, 0
for _, num := range nums {
if num == 1 {
} else {
currentCount = 0
if currentCount > maxCount {
maxCount = currentCount
return maxCount
how to ace a systems design interview
- focus on thought process
- open-ended problems
- care about is the thought process behind your design choices.
- come up with the best solution to each.
- understand the problem:asking questions, sketching diagrams on the board, and bouncing ideas
- know the constraints?
- what kind of inputs does your system need to handle
- you have to get a sense for the scope of the problem.
- topics
- Concurrency: threads, deadlock, starvation, parallelize algorithms, consistency and coherence
- Networking: IPC, TCP/IP, the difference between throughput and latency
- Abstraction: know roughly how an OS, file and database work
- Real-World Performance: speed of everything: the relative performance of RAM, disk, SSD and your network.
- Estimation: back-of-the-envelope calculation
- Availability and Reliability: cope with network failures, understand durability
- how to prepare
- Do mock design sessions: Grab an empty room and a fellow engineer, and ask them to give you a design problem, preferably related to something they’ve worked on.
- Work on an actual system.
- Do back-of-the-envelope calculations for something you’re building and then write micro-benchmarks to verify them.
- Dig into the performance characteristics of an open source system. For example, take a look at LevelDB. It’s new and clean and small and well-documented. Read about the implementation to understand how it stores its data on disk and how it compacts the data into levels.
- Learn how databases and operation systems work under the hood.
本周搜索system design primer时,其中采用Anki flashcards来对知识的记录整理,同时由Anki有带出了艾宾浩斯曲线的相关理论知识。目前暂时只是处理了解状态,后续看实际情况再继续深入尝试用下,看实际的效果怎么样。
4.1 system design primer Facebook的一个员工维护的有关系统设计的github仓库,目前有各种语言的版本,包括英文,日文,简体中文等。作者当初开启的这个项目的主要两个目标:
- Learn how to design large-scale systems.
- Prep for the system design interview.
- Use cases
- Scenarios that will not be covered
- Who will use
- How many will use
- Usage patterns
- Throughput (QPS for read and write queries)
- Latency expected from the system (for read and write queries)
- Read/Write ratio
- Traffic estimates
- Write (QPS, Volume of data)
- Read (QPS, Volume of data)
- Storage estimates
- Memory estimates
- If we are using a cache, what is the kind of data we want to store in cache
- How much RAM and how many machines do we need for us to achieve this ?
- Amount of data you want to store in disk/ssd
- DESIGN GOALS [5 min]
- Latency and Throughput requirements
- Consistency vs Availability [Weak/strong/eventual => consistency | Failover/replication => availability]
- HIGH LEVEL DESIGN [5-10 min]
- APIs for Read/Write scenarios for crucial components
- Database schema
- Basic algorithm
- High level design for Read/Write scenario
- DEEP DIVE [15-20 min]
- Scaling the algorithm
- Scaling individual components:
- Availability, Consistency and Scale story for each component
- Consistency and availability patterns
- Think about the following components, how they would fit in and how it would help
- a) DNS
- b) CDN [Push vs Pull]
- c) Load Balancers [Active-Passive, Active-Active, Layer 4, Layer 7]
- d) Reverse Proxy
- e) Application layer scaling [Microservices, Service Discovery]
- f) DB [RDBMS, NoSQL]
- Master-slave, Master-master, Federation, Sharding, Denormalization, SQL Tuning
- Key-Value, Wide-Column, Graph, Document
- Fast-lookups:
- RAM [Bounded size] => Redis, Memcached
- AP [Unbounded size] => Cassandra, RIAK, Voldemort
- CP [Unbounded size] => HBase, MongoDB, Couchbase, DynamoDB
- g) Caches
- Client caching, CDN caching, Webserver caching, Database caching, Application caching, Cache @Query level, Cache @Object level
- Eviction policies:
- Cache aside
- Write through
- Write behind
- Refresh ahead
- h) Asynchronism
- Message queues
- Task queues
- Back pressure
- i) Communication
- JUSTIFY [5 min]
- Throughput of each layer
- Latency caused between each layer
- Overall latency justification