A list of open source projects related to the OpenMC Monte Carlo particle transport framework.
- OpenMC Plotter — Official geometry/tally visualization GUI
- Aurora — OpenMC wrapped as a MOOSE app
- Cardinal — OpenMC and nekRS wrapped as MOOSE apps
- ENRICO — Monte Carlo + CFD coupling application
- ONIX — Python-based burnup code
- WATTS — Python-based tool for templated simulations
- csg2csg — Tool to translate between different CSG types
- openmc_mcnp_adapter — Tool for converting MCNP to OpenMC
- CAD_to_DAGMC — Convert CAD geometry to DAGMC h5m files
- CAD_to_OpenMC — Convert STEP files to DAMC h5m files
- DAGMC — Direct accelerated geometry Monte Carlo toolkit
- Paramak — Parametric 3D fusion reactor CAD and neutronics models
- StellarMesh — DAGMC geometry creator
- benchmarks — Reactor physics benchmark models
- data scripts — Scripts used to produce OpenMC nuclear data libraries
- MSRE — Detailed CAD model of the MSRE
- validation scripts — Scripts used to automate V&V activities
- neutronics_material_maker — Make reproducible materials and standardize across codes
- openmc_cell_segmenter — Segment OpenMC cells into smaller cells
- openmc-plasma-source — Create a plasma source from input parameters
- PyNE - Nuclear engieering toolkit to assist with modeling and simulation
- neutronics-workshop — Jupyter notebook based training course for fusion neutronics