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Official App Pack

zelon88 edited this page Jan 4, 2017 · 15 revisions

HRCloud2 includes several open-source Apps to get you started on your self-hosted quest. Beyond that it is extremely simple for anyone of any coding experience to jump into their favorite web-friendly language and begin writing Apps as short and sweet or as long and complex as they like.

The following is a list of apps included with HRCloud2. These Apps can be downloaded separately as part of the Official HRCloud2 App Pack.

  • Notes - Create and save notes quickly, then access them from anywhere on any device.
  • Contacts - Save complex contact information and retrieve it in one or two clicks.
  • Calculator - A simple (yet surprisingly powerful and accurate) plain-speech calculator with perfect floating-point precision.
  • Grabber - Download files via user-supplied URL's.
  • ServStat - Create a list of servers that your HRCloud2 server can monitor the status of internal or external servers.
  • PHP-AV - Highly customized pure PHP anti-virus, anti-malware & anti-vulnerability scanner and definition library. Can be used to target specific user files.