Here you can find a list of practical examples on how you can use ZenML with brief descriptions for each example:
- airflow: Running pipelines with airflow.
- low_level_guide: All the code for the low-level API guide found in the docs.
- not_so_quickstart: Shows of the modularity of the pipelines with hot-swapping of Tensorflow, PyTorch, and scikit-learn trainers.
- quickstart: The official quickstart tutorial.
For each of these examples, ZenML provides a handly CLI command to pull them directly into your local environment. First install zenml
pip install zenml
Then you can view all the examples:
zenml example list
And pull individual ones:
zenml example pull EXAMPLE_NAME
# at this point a `zenml_examples` dir would be created with the examples
Have any questions? Want more tutorials? Spot out-dated, frustrating tutorials? We got you covered!
Feel free to let us know by creating an issue here on our Github or by reaching out to us on our Slack.