Material associated with the seminar: "Advanced statistical analysis of biomechanical time series: PCA, FDA and SPM".
This seminar was held on 7 July 2018 at the Trinty Biomedical Sciences Institute College, Dublin.
Data from the article below were used as a basis to simulate hypothetical data for this workshop. This data is solely for educational purposes and does not belong to real participants.
Warmenhoven, J. S., Harrison, A., Robinson, M., Vanrenterghem, J., Bargary, N., Smith, R., Cobley, S., Draper, C., Donnelly, C., & Pataky, T. (2018). A force profile analysis comparison between functional data analysis, statistical parametric mapping and statistical non-parametric mapping in on-water single sculling. Journal of Science & Medicine in Sport, In Press.
For any questions related to this seminar (and script), please email [email protected]