This library provides memory that can not be collected by the CLR gc and Memory heap allocation.
You should think twice when you need like this functions. Unmanaged Memory Allocation is isn't REALLY good idea in GC Environment. I recommend use this code only for study. If you need reason, Reference this stackoverflow question.
Memory areas allocated using this library are not collected by gc and must be released by the programmer. A memory leak occurs when all references are disconnected without being released.
This library also uses WinAPI. It doesn't work on non-Windows platforms.
For the WinAPI used in this library, please refer to the "List of Used WinAPIs" below.
/// Allocation Unmanaged memory
Memory memroy = Memory.Allocation(4); // 4Bytes Memory allocation.
/// Access Memory
byte data = memory[0];
memory[0] = 2;
byte[] datas = new byte[] { 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF};
memory.WriteBytes(datas, 0, datas.Length);
/// Release Memory
/// Since VS2017, C++ Version Memory release
delete memory; // memory : Address (in C#, IntPtr type variable.)
/// Dispose Free
using (Memory memory = Memory.Allocation(4))
memory.IsFreeOnDispose = true; // This code will be make automatic memory release.
/// Allocation Memory heap and Use.
Heap memoryHeap = Heap.CreateHeap();
Memory memory = Memory.Allocation(memoryHeap, 8); // 8Bytes Memory allocation on "memoryHeap" Heap.
/// Destory Memory heap
- HeapFlags : A 32-bit unsigned integer, Bit Flags.
- IntPtr : Variable. (x32, 4Byte / x64, 8Byte)
- Dll : Kernel32.dll
- Symbol : GetProcessHeap
- MSDN Link :
- Dll : Kernel32.dll
- Symbol : GetProcessHeaps
- MSDN Link :
- Dll : Kernel32.dll
- Symbol : HeapAlloc
- MSDN Link :
- Dll : Kernel32.dll
- Symbol : HeapFree
- MSDN Link :
- Dll : Kernel32.dll
- Symbol : CopyMemory
- MSDN Link :
- Dll : Kernel32.dll
- Symbol : CreateHeap
- MSDN Link :