A quick start Laravel Vite config for project asset compiling.
Make sure you run
npm install
- Then I like to build the assets as I work on them with.
npm run build
- Then I like to build the assets as I work on them with.
Site images you want to be compiled to the public folder can be stored in
- ./storage/images/
- Make sure you run the storage link command for Laravel.
php artisan storage:link
- Then, when outputting these images to blade files. Just add "storage/."
asset('storage/' . $image_path);
JS Scripts and CSS are compiled together using javascript.
- ./resources/
- /css
- style1.css
- style2.css
- style3.min.css
- custom.css
- js
- app.js
- script1.js
- script2.min.js
- script3.js
- custom.js
- /css
- ./resources/
// CSS
import "../css/style1.css";
import "../css/style2.css";
import "../css/style3.min.css";
import "../css/custom.css";
// JS
import "./script1.js";
import "./script2.min.js";
import "./script3.js";
import "./custom.js";
// Importing necessary modules from Vite and plugins
import { defineConfig } from "vite"; // Vite configuration function
import laravel from "laravel-vite-plugin"; // Laravel plugin for Vite, integrating Laravel's asset management
import { resolve } from "path"; // Node.js module to handle file paths
import { viteStaticCopy } from "vite-plugin-static-copy"; // Vite plugin to copy static assets to the build folder
// Exporting Vite configuration
export default defineConfig({
build: {
outDir: "public", // Specifies the output directory for build files (Laravel's "public" folder)
emptyOutDir: false, // Prevents clearing the outDir before building, preserving other files
rollupOptions: { // Configuration for Rollup, Vite's underlying bundler
input: "resources/js/app.js", // Entry point for the build process (main JavaScript file)
output: {
format: "cjs", // Output format set to CommonJS
entryFileNames: "build/app.js", // Name for the main output JavaScript file in the "build" folder
assetFileNames: (assetInfo) => {
if (assetInfo.name && assetInfo.name.endsWith(".css")) {
return "build/app.css"; // Custom file name for CSS assets
return "assets/[name][extname]"; // Default pattern for other assets
globals: {
jquery: "$", // Defines a global variable for jQuery to be accessed as `$`
cssMinify: true, // Enables minification for CSS files
minify: true, // Enables overall minification for the final build
plugins: [
input: ["resources/css/app.css", "resources/js/app.js"], // Defines main CSS and JS files to include in build
refresh: true, // Enables automatic page refresh during development when files change
targets: [
src: "storage/images/*", // Source folder for static assets to be copied
dest: "images", // Destination folder within "public" for copied images
resolve: {
alias: {
"@": resolve(__dirname, "resources/js"), // Sets `@` to reference the "resources/js" directory for simpler imports
xlsx: "xlsx", // Creates an alias for `xlsx` module if used
server: {
host: "localhost", // Defines the host for the development server
port: 3000, // Sets the port for the development server
strictPort: true, // Ensures Vite fails to start if port 3000 is unavailable
hmr: {
overlay: false, // Disables error overlay for Hot Module Replacement (HMR) in development
watch: {
usePolling: true, // Enables polling for file changes, useful in some environments (e.g., Docker)