v7.0 - Added "webscan" mode for automated Burpsuite 2.x and Arachni web application scans only
v7.0 - Added Slack API notifications (Disabled by default..check ~/.sniper.conf)
v7.0 - Added new command switch to add daily, weekly or monthly sniper scheduled scans... check README
v7.0 - Added scheduled scan tasks command switch (Needs additional configuration to setup... check README)
v7.0 - Added Axis2 authenticated deployer MSF exploit
v7.0 - Added Axis2 login brute force module
v7.0 - Added subjack tool to check for subdomain hijacking
v7.0 - Added sorted IP lists under $LOOT_DIR/ips/ips-all-sorted.txt
v7.0 - Added subnet retrieval for all 'recon' mode scans under $LOOT_DIR/nmap/subnets-$TARGET.txt
v7.0 - Added Webscreenshot.py and disabled cutycapt from default config
v7.0 - Added Gobuster (Disabled by default..check ~/.sniper.conf)
v7.0 - Fixed issue with SubOver not working due to bad path
v7.0 - Fixed issue with flyover mode running 2x