Games that involve image processing through the webcam.
- Compile using "javac -cp .:libs/* *.java" or "javac -cp .;libs/* *.java" on Windows machines
- Run the program with "java -cp .:libs/* Driver" or "java -cp .;libs/* Driver"
- It is expected for terminal to default to a no-operation implementation
- Get a distinct color that you wish to track, preferably a light source and cover the entire square in the center. Press any button to begin tracking this color
- You may press any key besides the following keys to track a new color
- Switch between screens with the following keys:
- Press S to enter the Setup Screen (Default Screen)
- Press D to enter the Draw Screen
- Press P to enter the Pong Screen
- Once you enter the draw screen, press any key besides 'z' and 'r' to draw a rectangle
- Draw screen supports undo and redo. Press z to undo and r to redo
- Entrance to the program
- Creates The WebcamPanel, SetupScreen, etc...
- Has a stack of screens
- peek() the top of the stack and pass down the method paintImage(), which is like a while loop (more like a thread that is constantly updated in the WebcamPanel)
- Interface
- Describes general methods that screens should have. Look into code for more info
- Records the color of the object to be tracked
- Allows the user to test if the color is distinct enough before selecting a different screen
- Allows the user to draw
- Contains a LinkedList of history of commands and a Stack of optional redo commands
- Classic Pong game
Mean Shift Algorithm
- Separate colors into RGB (red green blue)
- Find the weighted mean of all the colors in a Rectangle, then move to that mean
- The weight is given by w = e^(-k*Distance(colorTracked, colorPixel)^2)
- Credits to and its color tracking case study
Undo/Redo in DrawScreen
- All commands are added to the end of the linkedlist (like a stack, but we need to iterate through the list to draw the rectangles)
- Any undo commands are pushed onto a redo stack