Histogram Layers for Neural Engineered Features
Joshua Peeples, Salim Al Kharsa, Luke Saleh, and Alina Zare
Note: If this code is used, cite it: Joshua Peeples, Salim Al Kharsa, Luke Saleh, and Alina Zare.
(2024, March 25). Advanced Vision and Learning Lab/Neural Engineered Features: Initial Release (Version v1.0).
. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10810460
In this repository, we provide the paper and code for the "Histogram Layers for Neural Engineered Features"
This code uses python, pytorch, and associated libraries listed in req.txt
Please use Pytorch's website
to download necessary packages.
Download other dependencies from req.txt using
pip install -r req.txt
Run demo.py
in Python IDE (e.g., Spyder) or command line.
The runs using the following functions.
- Intialize model
model = intialize_model(**Parameters)
- Prepare dataset(s) for model
dataloaders_dict = Prepare_Dataloaders(**Parameters)
- Train model
train_dict = train_model(**Parameters)
- Test model
test_dict = test_model(**Parameters)
- Histogram Methods
histogram_layer = NLBPLayer(**Parameters)
histogram_layer = NEHDLayer(**Parameters)
The parameters can be set in the following script:
└── root dir
├── demo.py //Run this. Main demo file.
├── Demo_Parameters.py // Parameters file for demo.
├── Prepare_Data.py // Load data for demo file.
├── View_Results.py // Run this after demo to view saved results.
├── req.txt // Contains the requirements
├── Datasets
├── PRMIDataset.py // Returns Index for PRMI dataset
├── Pytorch_Datasets.py // Return Index for Pytorch datasets
└── Utils //utility functions
├── Base_Model.py // Returns the linear model passed through
├── Compute_EHD.py // Returns the EHD algorithm layer
├── Compute_FDR.py // Returns the FDR score
├── Compute_LBP.py // Returns the LBP algorithm layer
├── Compute_Sizes.py // Returns the output size
├── Confusion_mats.py // Returns the confusion matrices visual
├── Generate_Learning_Curves.py // Returns the learning curves both loss and accuracy
├── Generate_Plots.py // Returns the plots of the Histograms and Kernels learned
├── Generate_TSNE_visual.py // Returns the TSNE plots for test data
├── Histogram_Model.py // Returns the Histogram Network
├── NEHD.py // Returns the NEHD layer implementation
├── NLBP.py // Returns the NLBP layer implementation
├── Network_functions.py // Contains the functions called in main
├── RBFHistogramPooling.py // Returns the Histogram Layer
├── Save_Results.py // Saves the results into the directory
├── pytorchtools.py // Contains early stopping functionality
This source code is licensed under the license found in the LICENSE
file in the root directory of this source tree.
This product is Copyright (c) 2024 J. Peeples, and Salim Al Kharsa, and Luke Saleh, and Alina Zare. All rights reserved.
If you use the code, please cite the following reference using the following entry.
Plain Text:
J.Peeples and S.Al Kharsa and L.Saleh and A.Zare, "Histogram Layers for Neural Engineered Features," in Review.
title={Histogram Layers for Neural Engineered Features},
author={Peeples, Joshua and Kharsa, Salim Al and Saleh, Luke and Zare, Alina},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2403.17176},