A Simple learning series of Python, Flask, and Docker. This is a document for myself and my fellow learners.
- Base App - Develop a base app with docker, python and flask.
- The Template App - This app enhances the base app with a couple of templates added with the bootstrap framework and uses render_template function in the flask.
- Dynamic Templates - Using more dynamic improved templates from the earlier application.
- Adding Forms - Adding forms/validation in Flask application using Flask-WTF.
- Database & Models
- Form Validations
- User Authentication
- Error Managements
- Deployments.
- Build and start with Docker Compose
docker-compose up --build
- Visit the site in browser. Use the correct port as mentioned in the docker-compose.yml
- To Stop the docker
docker-compose stop
- Once the images are done building, we can use the following command to bring the site up.
docker-compose up