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Edit Koha MARC framework

Active Development

Generate new Koha MARC frameworks based on an existing framework. This script allows :

  • To keep fields as defined in the existing framework, hide them or collapse them
  • To set fields or subfields as mandatory
  • To define default values to subfields or indicators

Note : "hide" fields and not "ignore" them, as Koha 22.11 documenation states : "When importing records, subfields that are managed in tab 'ignore' will be deleted. If you still wish to keep the subfields, but hide them, use the 'Visibility' options below."

Developped for Koha 22.11

Non standard library used

The python-dotenv library is used in the script (pip install python-dotenv).

Configure the JSON setting file

The JSON setting file (example) is an object containing objects with 5 arrays.

The keys of the first object are the new framework codes (ex : ART for an article framework, THE for a thesis one, etc.).

Each framework is an object with 5 array elements :

  • keep_fields : add each field tag as a string, those fields will be kept as they are defined in the original framework (ex : "009", "200")
  • collapsed_fields : add each field tag as a string, those fields will be collapsed by default (ex : "009", "200")
  • mandatory_fields_mapping : fields or subfields can be set as mandatory (not both) :
    • To set a field as mandatory, write the field tag as a string ("{field tag}")
    • To set subfield(s) as mandatory, write the field tag followed by all wanted subfields as a string ("{field tag}{subfield code 1}{subfield code n}")
    • For example, setting ["009", "099t", "200af", "700"] will :
      • Set the whole 009 field as mandatory
      • Set the subfield t of the 099 field as mandatory
      • Set the subfields a and f of the 200 field as mandatory
      • Set the whole 700 field as mandatory
  • default_values_fields_mapping : add each field tag followed by the subfield followed by the value as a string ("{field tag}{subfield code}{value}") :
    • For example, setting "099tART" will set the value ART to the subfield t of the 099 field
    • Multiple subfields for the same field can be set, just add seperate entries (ex : "099tART", "099x0")
    • Controlfields use @ as a subfield
  • default_fields_inds_mapping : add each field tag followed by the two indicators values as a string ("{field tag}{indicator 1 value}{indicator 2 value}") :
    • For example, setting "71002" will set the first indicator as 0 and the second as 2 for the field 710
    • Use _ to specify an empty indicator (ex : 2000_ will set the first indicator of the 200 field as 0 and will keep the second one empty)

Execute the script

  • Export Koha default framework in a CSV file
  • Configure environment variables :
    • FRAMEWORK_INPUT_FILE : full path to the default framework CSV file
    • FRAMEWORK_OUTPUT_FOLDER : full path to the folder for the new frameworks
    • FRAMEWORK_MAPPING_FILE : full path to the JSON setting file
  • Run the script
  • The output folder will contain all new frameworks as {CODE}_framework.csv

How the scripts works

  • Hide fields : for each subfield in the field, set the hidden value to 8 (= none of the visibility options are checked)
  • Collapse fields : for each subfield in the field, set the hidden value to -1 (= OPAC, Staff Interface, Editor and Collapsed are checked, Flagged is not)
  • If a field is neither hidden or collapased, its hidden value stays the same as in the original framework
  • Mandatory fields : set the field mandatory value to 1
  • Mandatory subfields : set the subfield mandatory value to 1
  • Note : as the script create a dict for mandatory fields, writing "200", "200a" will not set both the 200 field and its subfield a as mandatory. The script sets a field as mandatory if its subfield list is empty


Generate new Koha MARC framework based on an existing framework.





