Game Engine for Windows(x64) using D3D12 or Vulkan via MIRU.
GEAR (Game Engine Andrew Richards) is a 3D game engine, that I am developing to improve both my C++ and graphic programming, using my own Graphics (MIRU) and Mathematics (MARS) libraries. Inspired by Yan Chernikov's (aka TheCheno) videos on C++, OpenGL and Game Engines.
This repository is under active development and is not currently intended for commerical release or use.
- D3D12 or Vulkan Graphics API with MIRU.
- Render Grpah system for resource management.
- PBR and IBL Rendering.
- Shadows for Directional, Spot and Point lights.
- Bloom Post-Processing and HDR tone-mapping.
- Project, Scene and ECS systems.
- GEARBOX Editor with ImGui and ImGuizmo.
- Runtime Shader and Pipeline recompilation.
GEAR_CORE: Contains the core functionality of the game engine. Build as a dynamic library; Dynamic Runtime Linking (MD).
GEAR_NATIVE_SCRTIPT: Contains the native script that are dynamically loaded by GEAR_CORE. Build as a dynamic library; Dynamic Runtime Linking (MD).
GEARBOX: A simple level editor using ImGui. Build as executable; Dynamic Runtime Linking (MD).
- Microsoft Visual Studio 2022
- Toolset: v143
- Windows SDK: 10.0.22621.0
- ISO C++ 20
Committed .gsf
may connect absolute paths and are therefore not fully compatible. This will be addressed.