A knowledge base for the Plasma Security Division Roblox group.
This is meant to work like an almanach to look up information about your first steps into the Plasma Security Division or as a quick reference for members. Everyone is welcome to contribute to this knowledge base by either submitting a pull request to this or contacting AndyPue83 directly to get write access to this repository. That said, a disclaimer to make this clear: This is maintained and written outside of the Plasma Security Division, it is not guaranteed to represent the current state of rules and may become outdated at some point. Refer to the security handbook for the current rules.
This is by far not complete and will be expanded a lot within the next days. Also links may not work yet, as the files have not be created.
- Common abbreviations used in communication: Abbreviations
- Facility guides: BHNPS, PURL (includes warning reasons)
- Getting points: Training, Patrol, other
You cannot just attack someone as you like. You need to issue warnings before.
The chain of actions is usually like this:
- Misbehaviour 1 -> Warning 1 (Handbook says: Explain briefly why they get warned)
- Misbehaviour 2 -> Warning 2
- Misbehaviour 3 -> Warning 3 (Handbook says: Mention it is their final warning)
- Misbehaviour 4 -> Warning 4 (Kill the person, write the warning)
- Misbehaviour 5 -> Warning 5 (Kill the person, write the warning)
- Misbehaviour 6 -> Warning 6 (Kill the person, write the warning)
- Misbehaviour 7 -> Warning 7 (Kill the person, write the warning) -> At Warning 7+ you are allowed to call for a T2+ to issue a KOS on that person.
Exempt from this are:
- Mutants
- Players marked Kill-on-Sight (KOS)
- Armed rebels (BHNPs: Only during raids, PURL: Only if they attack you)
- Play the game here: Broken Hill Nuclear Power Station