The current repository contains some experimental python projects varying from beginner, intermediate, expert and advanced concepts in python
- Regex Slicer: As the name suggests, the regex slicer can be used to retrieve information from a text file containing varying information(such as name, phone number,email etc) This program can seperate the name, phone, email into seperate files for future use.(The only requirement is that we need a Name.txt file with some random names) Concepts Covered: File Handling, Regex
- Email Slicer: A simple application to seperate domain names and usernames. Concepts Covered: String manipulation, Regex
- Regex Template Generator: A simple GUI application to generate the regexes for various use cases, so that we can use them for form validation and other stuff etc. Concepts Covered: Tkinter,Dictionaries, Regex
- PC Utility: A simple python script that can synchronously moniter your battery and change the wallpaper.Concepst covered: OS, psutil,threading, notification,schedule, lists, random.