Greeting from Technocolabs. We are very glad to contacts you for our non-profit organization leading with information technologies in Indore. Technocolabs is an Organization followed by Technical experts in leading technologies such as Python, Machine learning, Java, C , C++ and Data Science etc. Technocolabs has Start an initiative Programs called 100 Days of Code for students wants to grow technical Skills in Technologies with the mentor-ship by technical experts. The Program is followed by Online and In this Program of 100 Days of Code is absolutely free there is no cost of mentor-ship taking by mentors. In this 100 Days of Code students can learn about advanced to Basic concepts of Programming in Data Structures and Algorithms.
Joined Progate
What is Version Control?
What is Distributed Version Control?
What is Centralised Version Control?
Git Workspace and Installation
Git Configuration
Git Command Initialization
Three Stage Architecture of Git
Tracking our First Project
- Assignment 1