Native UWP and Console UWP Notifiers
Native UWP is a Windows 10 UWP Notifier which creates Adaptive Card notifications. As a UWP app, It has to be downloaded from the Microsoft Store or side-load installed.
Console UWP Notifier is an improvement in that is a regular Console App but uses the Windows 10 API's, therefore there is no need to publish the application to the Microsoft Store nor side-load install. It does required to be installed with a regular MSI in order to register the application with the Notification system and a shortcut needs to exist in the Windows Menu.
New arguments (Only for UWP versions)
-v Displays version.
-b Used to create buttons.
-i Used to create input boxes.
-l Used to display a logo or logo.
New arguments (Only for Win32 Version)
-v Displays version.