This is my solution to all the programming assignments and quizzes of Machine-Learning (Coursera) taught by Andrew Ng. After completing this course you will get a broad idea of Machine learning algorithms. Try to solve all the assignments by yourself first, but if you get stuck somewhere then feel free to browse the code.
- Lectures Slides
- Solution to programming assignment
- Solution to Quizzes
by Andrew Ng, Stanford University, Coursera
- Videos: Introduction
- Quiz: Introduction
- Videos: Linear Regression with One Variable
- Quiz: Linear Regression with One Variable
- Videos: Linear Regression with Multiple Variables
- Quiz: Linear Regression with Multiple Variables
- Videos: Octave/Matlab Tutorial
- Quiz: Octave/Matlab Tutorial
- Programming Assignment: Linear Regression
- Videos: Logistic Regression
- Quiz: Logistic Regression
- Videos: Regularization
- Quiz: Regularization
- Programming Assignment: Logistic Regression
- Videos: Neural Networks: Representation
- Quiz: Neural Networks: Representation
- Programming Assignment: Multi-class Classification and Neural Networks
- Videos: Neural Networks: Learning
- Quiz: Neural Networks: Learning
- Programming Assignment: Neural Network Learning
- Videos: Advice for Applying Machine Learning
- Quiz: Advice for Applying Machine Learning
- Videos: Programming Assignment: Regularized Linear Regression and Bias/Variance
- Machine Learning System Design
- Quiz: Machine Learning System Design
- Videos: Support Vector Machines
- Quiz: Support Vector Machines
- Programming Assignment: Support Vector Machines
- Videos: Unsupervised Learning
- Quiz: Unsupervised Learning
- Videos: Dimensionality Reduction
- Quiz: Principal Component Analysis
- Programming Assignment: K-Means Clustering and PCA
- Videos: Anomaly Detection
- Quiz: Anomaly Detection
- Videos: Recommender Systems
- Quiz: Recommender Systems
- Programming Assignment: Anomaly Detection and Recommender Systems
- Videos: Large Scale Machine Learning
- Quiz: Large Scale Machine Learning
- Videos: Application Example: Photo OCR
- Quiz: Application: Photo OCR