A Gulp based build system for compiling SASS, JS serving using BrowserSync, minification of images, inlining of critical path css & collation of all assets in to dist folder
- Copy files of Gulp Starter into project route
- Open a command line and navigate to the route of the project
- Type npm install
There are several commands that can be run depending on what you wish to achieve:
- gulp watch
- gulp dist
- gulp criticalPath
These can also be run with the following flags --dev --debug --dist
The gulp watch task will compile the SASS & scripts, serve up the project using BrowserSync then watch and recompile the SASS & JS when you save any changes. Running the commands with the --dist (eg. gulp scripts --dist ) flag compresses, minifies & removes any sourcemaps and renames to .min.css or .min.js for the outputed files. The --debug flag runs the tasks but enabled many debug statements to be output to the console to help with any debugging
File structure required:
/styles - all sass files /js - all js files /images - all image files /fonts - font files /dist - output directory for publication
All of these are configurable in the gulp > settings > paths.js file