Releases: BeautifulTrouble/beautifulrising-client
3.1.14 – Bug Fixes as of January 8, 2017
Happy New Year everyone!
Bug fixes on sticky issues:
Bug 1 - Mobile: newsfeed and my tools: i can scroll past the activated window to the background rather than within the activated window.
We should now not see the black overlay in the background
Bug 2 - Pattern on some stories is not overlapping correctly. check same tool on live site
Patterns should now be on top of each other properly now
Bug 3 - Please don't use the "font-weight" bold, but use the Avenir black font. Bolding through code and the actual weight provided by the type foundary look significantly different.
We have used Avenir Heavy
(not avenir black
) on this to match the design set by the layout.
What about the completely losing 2nd column in both Chrome & Firefox ?
This will take a site wide review and re-proportioning so it will take some time. Thank you!
- Rapi
Forms and Translations
BeautifulRising post-release debugs
- Snapshots are showing as it should
- Galleries with untranslated items are acting accordingly
- Design issues and minor bugs fixed
- Search dynamic has been fixed
- Form issues being solved both from front and backend
Snapshots are showing as it should
Three places where snapshot dynamics are important: homepage, search, and in tool details page. All places are showing the snapshots as it should: as a popup
Untranslated Galleries in AR
Arabic versions of Battle of the Camel, Feminism, and Postcolonialism, are showing as it should
Design issues and Search issues
Search is now working properly, and the design issues are gone as well.
Bug fixes
Following fixes were made to Beautiful Rising
- Mobile: newsfeed and my tools: the "X" for closing the activated window is missing
- Mobile move the notifications bell in to be centered under the language
- RWE submission form not working
- Markup text not displaying on tactics page
Will go through the other issues this week. Thank you!
Oct 5 Debugging
We did further debugs from the list of issues presents.
There is also an initial draft of the Decision Tree for the snapshot / full / gallery rendering and actions here.
- No confirmation msg appears when I send myself an email of my saved tools i(n any of the languages)
- Pillars of power. The width of the first column is much bigger ( I believe it's because of the in body image) that it's shifting the second column all the way to the left.
- Revised entry for GAMES Call to ACtion – Changed the Markdown renderer to
- Mobile: when hamburger menu is activated if I scroll up I can reveal the background
Translation Issues
This release focused on translation issues, and quick fixes throughout the website.
How To Use additions and stand-by bugs
Beautiful Rising Design 2.0 & Mobile Responsive
This version focuses on the new design made by @DianaHajTPS and on Mobile Responsiveness.
Huge changes made on the following aspects:
- Homepage
- Tools Page
- Onboarding
And minor changes on the about pages.
New page created on What's Happening
which is focused on up to date information on Beautiful Rising related news.
Mobile responsiveness was also applied throughout. Giving full agency and ease of use for mobile users.
Major Changes
Major changes comprise of all elements and components that have undergone huge changes.
The homepage now boasts a cleaner more streamlined view of things. Less vertical lines that cut the eye flow, and more spaces in between.
The mobile version also brings in more accessibility and ease of use, with the page being mindful about the number of items it is showing depending on the width of the screen.
Tools Page
The toolpage also has reduced the number of columns from three to two, and has applied the vision @DianaHajTPS has set. The main change here in terms of UX/UI is the dynamics of the more information area.
When using a mobile device, the screen should now only feature one column instead of two.
What's Happening
What's happening allows for the users to know / be engaged with the latest news and information about Beautiful Rising. The user is signaled through the bell at the upper right part of the screen, and clicking it will redirect them to the "What's Happening" page.
Minor Changes
About Pages
The about pages/training/etc shows a lot of the same, but we added some items that will streamline or improve the experience.
The onboarding now features a select set of guides posed by the editors, it also now is mobile accessible. The selected area is provided through @adrian-the-git 's API.
This version is feature complete, although from here on out we will be pushing debugging.
2.1.2 HotFix for BeautifulRising Live site
Fixed issues mentioned in BR Basecamp:
- adjust spacing above right "real world" examples
- There should be no hover if there's no pattern -
- Newsfeed: Submit button is overlapping the field -
- No "year" showing up for learn more section on new site -
- Arabic: Tags should be aligned right -