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Robert Bossy edited this page Jul 27, 2017 · 1 revision



Converts into a data sink.

String conversion

The data source takes either the form of a file/directory path, or an URL. The following protocols are recognized:

  • file: the data is written in the specified regular file path;

  • stream: the data is written to the AlvisNLP/ML standard output or error, the host part of the URI must be either "stdout" or "stderr" (stream://stdout);

    If an absolute or relative path is specified, then *file* is assumed.
    Relative paths are relative to the current working directory.

XML conversion

<param value="URL"/>```

<param file="URL"/>```

<param path="URL"/>```

*URL* is converted as described in the string conversion.
	All different forms are equivalent; the name of the used attribute has no influence on the data source type.
	It is thus perfectly legal to write ```xml
<param file="stream://stdout"/>```

	Two other attributes allow to control finely the data source:
* *charset*: specifies the character encoding of the data ("UTF-8" by default);
* *encoding*: same as above;

If ```xml

 has children elements, then each element will be converted as a data sink. The data will be duplicated into each data sink.
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