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Sprint 2

Past due by 3 months 60% complete

10/09/24 Update/Justification: In this sprint we finalized the front end of anonymous posting and continued to refine our backend logic. We were not able to link the backend and front end of anonymous posting beyond hardcoding the logic despite significant effort to do so. We were still able to reflect front-end features for the anonymous post feature. Af…

10/09/24 Update/Justification: In this sprint we finalized the front end of anonymous posting and continued to refine our backend logic. We were not able to link the backend and front end of anonymous posting beyond hardcoding the logic despite significant effort to do so. We were still able to reflect front-end features for the anonymous post feature. After deciding our efforts were inefficient and too time consuming we pivoted to our OH Queue feature. We were able to implement a fully functional front end for the OH Queue page. However, since our development schedule was pushed back in Sprint 1 due to the time spent understanding the codebase and difficulties figuring out how to make front end changes, our implementation of our anonymous posting feature was pushed over into Sprint 2. This allowed less time for us to be able to complete the back end implementation of our OH Queue page.
