Run the AHB 3PG model over every pixel in the AHB Region.
By default, the cached weather an soil data will be used, no DB connection required. Alternatively you can connect the database and retrieve data from SQL functions.
git clone
cd ahb-region-3pg-model-runner && npm install
from inside repo dir
node index.js
Flags/options list
> node index.js --help
Usage: index [options]
-h, --help output usage information
-V, --version output the version number
-p, --plant-date [YYYY-MM-DD] Plant Date. Default: 2016-10-20
-f, --first-coppice [YYYY-MM-DD] First Coppice Date. Default: 2018-10-02
-i, --irrigate Irrigate Poplar. Default: False
-m, --months-to-run [number] How long to grow for. Default: 240
-d, --use-db [path/to/config.json] DB connection info. (optional)
-o, --output [filename] File to export to. Default: export